Chapter 3 - The Heart Won't Lie

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Se Ri was in the office early as usual. She was feeling pretty good now that the nonsense with the Jeju build was behind her. She had received a late email from Kim Jae Beom that indicated the contract review with the developer had gone well, and he had no changes, the document would be signed and finalized and sent back today. She was going through the project boards on her desk and determining the next priority project.

The problem was, her brain was stuck on two nights ago and the interaction with Jeong Hyeok at the Signature Room. There was something about him that she couldn't get out of her head. Her confrontation with Seo Dan, well it was about the fact that the comment was made in a packed restaurant, and anyone could have heard her.

But, there was a bit of herself that was angry that she wasn't taking him home, it had been a while since she had brought a man home, work had been so crazy, and her schedule had her thinking of nothing but work. The concept of physical touch or sexual release was the furthest thing from her mind.

And Jeong Hyeok... Well, he unleashed something in her, and it was more than the fact that he was a good looking man. He was smart, charming, flirty and most of all, he didn't appear to be intimidated by her. She knew how to carry herself and she didn't cower to anyone, somehow he disarmed her with ease and never flinched when she told him she was a successful architect. He didn't even seem phased when the Mayor came by for a chat, who was this guy?

Okay, so he was an actor, but she didn't know who he was. She fired up her laptop and decided to do a little research by doing an internet search for Ri Jeong Hyeok. She was stunned when the results pulled up. She was scrolling through the images and the listing of his movies when Seo Dan waltzed in.

"Good morning, boss. Are you ready for the meeting?" When Se Ri didn't answer, she stood there for a moment and marvelled at how intent she was over whatever was on her computer screen. Finally, she cleared her throat, "Yoon Se Ri!"

At the loud sound of her name, Se Ri jumped and looked up at Seo Dan, almost as if she was a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She quickly slammed the top of her laptop down. "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. What's going on?"

"We have a meeting; did you forget about it? What were you looking at, because it completely had your attention?"

"I just lost track of the time that's all. Um, before I bring up the next project, I didn't know that Ri Jeong Hyeok was Captain Yi."

"Oh! You were looking up Jeong Hyeok? So, are you going to admit to me that you might be interested in him?"

"I don't know that I'd go that far." Her voice trailed off.

"It's still the fact that he picked your building, isn't it? That totally turned you on." Seo Dan started laughing. "Wow, who would have thought that potentially the way into your panties is to tell you they love your building without even realizing it is yours?"

Se Ri was beginning to blush, something Seo Dan hadn't seen happen in, well, in years. "Well, at least I know he has great taste." She finally said, even it was a little pompous and self-aggrandizing. "Fine, yes, I kind of like him. Shit, Seo Dan why did you have to introduce me to him?"

Seo Dan couldn't contain herself, this was momentous. "Girl, I had no idea you would fall for him. I figured it'd be good for you to meet him since we're friends, that's all. I swear this wasn't about a hookup."

"It isn't like I am going to marry him or anything. I am not even in love with him. I'm only saying that I think he is attractive, and I might be interested in him. I wouldn't mind an opportunity to see him, just the two of us."

"What about your dating rule?"

"What about it? I told you. I'm not saying I want to marry him. I spent a short amount of time with him the other night, and I'd like an opportunity to maybe spend some more time with him again, that's all. I am going to regret saying anything to you."

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