Chapter 24 - Damage

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Warning: The p-a-i-n 💯 is real.

Life had somewhat returned to normal for Yoon Se Ri in the six weeks since Cho Cheol Gang's body had washed ashore. As normal as it could be when she knew there was still a murder investigation hanging over her head. Seo Dan had finally convinced Se Ri to discuss the situation with Gu Seung Joon. He admonished her, much the same way Seo Dan had, over the failure to turn Cheol Gang in for extortion. Although, he did have a little more sympathy when it came to how it would have played out in court. Se Ri had every right to be concerned, her name would have been sullied, and her reputation would have taken a hit. Redemption would have been possible, but it would have cost money, and a public relations firm would have to be hired to make it happen. However, Seung Joon said it should have been done three years ago, and the risk would have been far less than.

Se Ri felt sufficiently chastised over it. But bringing Seung Joon into the fold also meant she had a criminal attorney in her corner if the NIS felt the need to pursue a case against her. The suspicion was they were going to cut her loose. If they had anything of substance on her, they would be knocking on her door almost daily to speak with her and anyone she knows. So far, it had been crickets.

In the past six weeks, things were going well with Jeong Hyeok, too. He had finished his film in Dallas and had gone back to Seoul two days ago. They had not been able to get together in person because of his schedule, but they were speaking to one another at least once a day. That didn't include the multitude of text messages flying back and forth. He was supportive of the entire situation, telling her that he was sure she had nothing to worry about.

Se Ri tried to keep her mind focused on work, hoping that if she ignored everything about Cho Cheol Gang, it would all disappear. She was finishing up the budget for a new build when Myeong Sun knocked on her door. As she entered, Se Ri noticed the look of dread and fear in her eyes, "What's wrong, Ms Hyeon?"

"Ma'am, there is a Special Agent Kim with the NIS who is here to speak with you. Obviously, he doesn't have an appointment, can you see him?"

Se Ri tried to swallow the lump in her throat, "Send him in." As Myeong Sun turned to walk out, Se Ri stopped her, "Ms Hyeon, hold all my calls and cancel my meetings for the remainder of the day. I'm not sure how long this will take, and I don't want to hold anyone up."

Myeong Sun nodded politely and then opened the door, ushering the Agent into the office. As Agent Kim walked into the room, he couldn't help but look around and take in the décor. "Nice office, Ms Yoon. Remarkably different from the one Mr Cho Cheol Gang had down in Busan."

"Please, have a seat, Agent Kim. Can I get you something to drink?" Se Ri offered as she walked around her desk and toward the sitting area. Agent Kim shook his head and took a seat at the end of the couch. Se Ri took the chair next to the sofa, looked at the agent and decided to dive in. "To what do I owe the pleasure? Should I contact my attorney before we start this conversation?"

Agent Kim was not surprised by the caustic tone from Se Ri. In fact, he would have been disappointed if she had been friendly. "No ma'am, you don't need your attorney. I'm actually here to tell you that the investigation has concluded and we are no longer looking at you for the murder of Mr Cho Cheol Gang."

Se Ri let out a sigh and felt her body relax, falling back into her chair just a little. She wanted to maintain her composure, but the weight of the entire situation being lifted off her shoulders was overwhelming. "Who killed him? And why?"

"We've arrested Kim Yang Eun for the murder. I can't get into all of the details with you, Ms Yoo, but I can tell you that Cho Cheol Gang was wearing a recording device when it happened. As a matter of fact, he was wearing it when you had your confrontation with him."

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