Chapter 10 - Peeping Tom

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Warning : 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋

Se Ri knew that falling for a man like Jeong Hyeok was dangerous. He would make her rethink her life and her priorities, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that. And what if she was falling for him and he didn't have the same feelings for her? Her heart would end up shattered, and she might never recover. This is why she stayed cold and distant. This is why Seo Dan should have known not to introduce her to Jeong Hyeok. When this blew up, Seo Dan is left in the middle of the carnage, certainly not where she would want to be. This is why she needed to stay out of her head and quit thinking about this!

She glanced down at her lap and caught a glimpse of the blinking light on her cell. She put in her password and saw that she had a message, her blood ran cold, she knew who this message was from, and she knew what it was about.

You have a payment due tomorrow, I'm sure you haven't forgotten, but I don't see it pending in my bank account. Don't disappoint me, love.

It was taking everything within her not to vomit at the words on the screen. She took several deep breaths and tried to push back the urge to be sick. When she was sure it had passed, she quietly stood and retrieved her robe from the end of the bed. Sliding it on, she tiptoed from the room and padded down the stairs to her office and powered up her laptop. She quickly logged into her banking account and started up the wire transfer. The same transfer every month of $15,000 to Cho Cheol Gang. She had just hit complete on the transaction and logged out of the system when she looked up and saw Jeong Hyeok at the door. She let out a gasp, clearly surprised to see him standing there.

"What's going on, baby? By the way, I didn't mean to scare you," he stepped behind her chair and wrapped his arms around her. "Please tell me you didn't get out of bed with me to come down here and work?"

Se Ri leaned back into him, resting her head on his shoulder and nuzzling into his neck, "I forgot about a bill I had to pay, though I better come down and take care of it while it was fresh on my mind. I promise it's not work-related," she kissed his jawline. It felt good to be wrapped in his arms. She knew he could see the screen and the bank website, she was just thankful that the transaction screen was no longer up, and he could not see the receipt for the wire transfer.

"I felt you get out of bed, you were gone for a while," he turned his head and kissed her neck and across her shoulder and back, "I was waiting for you to come back to bed and then I heard you walk past and down the steps. Is something on your mind?"

She unwrapped herself and stood up, reaching for his hand and then pulling herself into his embrace, "No, I think my mind is just racing with everything that is going on and I can't process it all and I can't turn it off. Does that make sense?" She rested her head on his chest, the warmth of his body making her feel safe and secure.

He rubbed her back, providing comfort as he held her, "Yes, it does, more than you know. Why don't we go back up to the bed and see if we can find some way to occupy your mind and make you think less."

She smiled against his chest, "Are you trying to seduce me, Ri Jeong Hyeok?"

"If it's working, then yes, I am."

"And if it's not?" She asked, figuring she would see if he was in the mood to be playful.

"Well, then, I was only suggesting that we go back upstairs because I'm selfish, and I don't want you sleeping all day while I'm awake," he kissed the top of her head and laughed.

"Fair enough," she stepped back, taking his hand and walking backwards out of the office nook and pulling him towards her, "Come upstairs with me, I want you to take me back to bed."

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