Chapter 12 - Confession

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Warning : 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋

Jeong Hyeok and Se Ri had tabled their discussion on why Seo Dan was calling. They could not agree, and it was going to lead to an argument, neither of them wanted that, particularly as it was their last night together. No, they wanted peace and tranquillity for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. They remained snuggled on the couch, the silence between them was comfortable, nothing awkward. Se Ri had her arms wrapped around Jeong Hyeok, her head on his chest, nestled into the crook of his neck. His arms around her, gently stroking her side. This was something he could definitely get used to, a lazy day, wrapped up with a beautiful woman, not a care in the world.

Okay, so he did have a few cares. One care was this situation with Seo Dan. He had dropped it with Se Ri because he didn't want to fight, but the truth was, something wasn't sitting right with him. Se Ri was firm in her belief that Seo Dan had feelings for him, he was firm in his belief that she was wrong. How could both of them be reading the same situation so differently? What was Seo Dan doing with one that she wasn't doing with the other? After all, if she were really in love with him, he'd see the signs, right?

He thought about texting Seo Dan, replying to one of her messages, finding out what she was needing. Nothing more, nothing less. It would answer the question, clear the air right away. That is, provided she responded by saying she was merely looking for Se Ri, it was all work-related. If her response was anything other than that, well, then there could be a problem.

The last thing he wanted was for there to be friction between Se Ri and Seo Dan. They had been friends for too long. He didn't want to be the reason they would have issues now. But he also didn't want to lose Seo Dan as a friend, she had been a confidant for him over the last year, he trusted her, the number of people he could say that about, outside of his family, could be counted on two hands. For that reason, he wouldn't call her, but he was so tempted.

The other thing that was weighing heavily on his mind, what was to become of this when he left? What was the relationship with Se Ri going to look like when he walked out the door tomorrow morning? Did he even want to know? Over and over in his mind, he heard the soundtrack from his disagreement with Seo Dan, "Prepare yourself now to be disappointed because Yoon Se Ri does not make chemical and physical connections."

Now he had to wonder, did Seo Dan tell him that because it was true or because she had her own motivations? Damn, he was now stuck in his own head and couldn't find his way out. All he wanted to do was to find answers. Something to give him direction and all he found was more questions.

He felt movement, he was startled and looked up, finding that Se Ri had untangled herself from him and stood from the couch. She kept her back to him and seductively stretched, then turned to step directly in front of him, moving forward and taking a position on his lap, facing him and straddling his hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her palms on the back of his head and pull him toward her. She licked her lips before kissing him, tracing her tongue along his lips, begging for access which he gave. The kiss told him that she craved him and wanted to command him all at the same time.

She broke the kiss, smiling and looking into Jeong Hyeok's eyes, "You were thinking too much, I could hear the gears grinding. You needed a distraction."

"That was a nice distraction," he smiled back, then leaned forward to give her a brief kiss of his own, "Sorry, I have the same problem you have, not being able to turn my brain off."

She moved forward, putting her forehead on his, staring down into their laps, "Would you be worried about your leaving tomorrow?"

He responded with a reticent, "Yes, I am."

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