01|| let's begin, shall we?

154 36 136

Dearest lover.

No. Let's not start like that, Jay. That's not okay, not even as a joke.

Dearest brother?

No. Just no.

Dearest best friend that is gay and amazing.


Dear Tyrin.

Ah. Best.

Dear Tyrin,

I have decided to write you an email about how utterly and entirely lame.

Ps you're sitting next to me right now, like a total loser.

Love Jay.

I pressed send and instinctively raised my hands to ward off the pillow that will soon have a meet and greet with my face.

A manly groan rumbled from the other side of the room, in my reading chair and suddenly a body flung himself upon me.

"I. Cannot. Breathe." I groaned. I felt him shift to apply more pressure on me. Ass. Tyrin rearranged himself so he can look me in the eye.

"Are you calling me fat? I'll have you know I'm lithe not fat."

"Wasn't. Promise. Get off."

Once again, he rearranged himself but this time he's situated in between my legs, looking deeply into my brown eyes with his lovely...brown eyes. Most people I knew had brown eyes except my twin and our mother. They had hazel eyes. Oh, and my current crush whose eyes were a lovely shade of green. He was also a bit of an ass. Actually, a major ass, but he did have a nice behind.

A knock startled Tyrin and me.

My lovely twin leaned against the door frame and adjusted his glasses sitting atop his nose. "Sorry to interrupt..." He gestured to us; it must have looked very intimate. My twin looked very disgusted and annoyed at the same time. He tended to have that expression on his face when Tyrin was around. "Whatever was happening but Jay, mum's home. So you might want to do less of that. A lot less of that."

I glared at Scott. "Tyrin's being mean. It's not my fault."

Scott laughed at me. "I'm pretty sure you must have started it." Tyrin laughed and gestured at Scott to join the dog pile.

"I'm flat enough, please don't join," I huffed, slightly out of breath.

Scott shrugged and simply said, "no comment. I have nothing to say to you two right now. Please neaten up, Mum will kill you otherwise."

It was a compromising position. I could see that his lips were level with mine and my legs were cradling him but honestly, I just have the worst luck. People always walked into my room at the worst possible moments and then assumed the worst.

I wiggled my hand, reaching for a spot that will make him screech. Just before I can poke him, hard he pushed himself off me, using me to get up, pressing into my rib-cage. I felt my breath leave my body.

He was heavy and should not be using me to stand up!

I groaned, "that's my stomach, you twit." I pressed my hand to my abdomen, softly hoping to stave off some of the pressure Tyrin had placed on it. It was throbbing.

He yawned at my reaction, genuinely bored with how weak I was. Honestly, some guys liked causing pain and this one was definitely a pain I did not ask for.

I can't say that about our relationship because sadly that was a pain I did ask for.

But as most of the teens my age, I blamed high school.

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