11 || time to face the mum

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We were halfway through cleaning when Scott woke up and decided to actually be a helpful human being and clean with us. It went pretty fast when it was just Arlo and me but now that there was three of us; we were done in no time.

I checked the time when we were done, and we still had enough time to go and get cleaned. I looked at Arlo and smiled.

"You're kind of the best person ever and I don't know what to do with you. I don't even know why you want to be friends with me!"

He grinned. It was broad showing all of his teeth, "I like cleaning. It's OK."

I shook my head, "you're the only person I know that likes cleaning. I don't even like cleaning. It's just something I have to do." I didn't know what to do now. I looked at him awkwardly. I didn't know how to thank him. What he had done for me was indescribable and nothing I could say could ever say could compensate for the fact that he was so thoughtful and that he helped me. He helped me more than my own brother.

The problem with him, was that he did it on his own conscious. No-one had to tell him. No-one had to beg or plead. He just decided that he would come and clean it up on his own. I didn't even know he was in my front yard.

"I'm not sure how to thank you." I finally decided on.

He looked at me, puzzled. "You don't have to thank me. I was being a decent human being."

"You're more than decent," I gushed.

"Well, I'll take that as payment. Your word is thanks enough."

"I mean I can compensate you. I'm sure I have money somewhere in-"

"No, no, no. "He shook his hands out in front f him, as if he was warding away the evil. Or rather payment in this case. "Please don't do that. You'll make me feel even worse. I just wanted to be a good person, and this is what my heart wanted." He gestured around us, "so this is what I did to settle my hearts wishes."

I smiled at him. "I still need to thank you somehow."

"We'll just call it an IOU. "

I nodded, "deal."

He looked at his hands which were full dirt and sand. I think he was contemplating shaking my hands to seal the deal. "Anyway, I should get going. I would say let's meet up for a movie, sometime, but I don't have your number."

I looked at his hands and looked at mine. "We should not touch anything," I flexed my dirty fingers and grimaced.

"You're right," he stared at my hands, "next time then."

I nodded, "next time."

I walked Arlo to his truck and waved goodbye. Just as Arlo turned the corner of the street, I saw a familiar car arrive and I sighed in agony.

Mum lied.

I was so lucky and grateful for Arlo's help. I had cleaned the entire house in time.


My mother's face was pulled as she waited for me and Scott to get clean. By the time we were done, she had already inspected every part of the house.

She gave me a short nod, "not bad. If only you could clean like this all the time. Maybe you should throw parties more often if this is the type of cleaning you do, afterwards. I especially liked the front yard. Scott finally had done the yardwork I had asked for, and see, Jaylene, how timeously he had completed it. Unlike you who takes her own sweet time to do one thing I ask. I'm not mad just extremely frustrated by how you two have no respect for me and the house you live in. I'm happy that you guys told me the truth and I'm happy that you guys are willing to deal with the consequences. I'm happy that you guys cleaned up.

"But I'm extremely disappointed in the way you two have conducted yourself. I don't expect much from you guys. Honestly, I don't, but I would like some respect for your house and for yourselves. I don't have a punishment because you too look exhausted and I'm sure that punishment was enough and you too are old enough for the consequences...

She paused and I did not bother replying but Scott did with a small smile. "Thank you, mum. I promise, this won't happen again, it was an honest mistake. We won't even speak to that guy that did this. I honestly didn't mean for any of this to happen. We were just having around with friends."

"This boy, whoever he is, is the wrong friend. Jaylene make better friends."

"Yes, mum." Scott looked like he was about to retort but I dug my fingers into his pants, and he stopped. He nodded and we watched as mum left us alone.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she called down to Scott and me, "Jaylene, I do have one consequence for you."

"Yes, mum?"

"We have a family function coming up soon on a Saturday. It's in two or three weeks. I'll let you know the details, you have no choice." She left.

I huffed. Great, more judgmental, people looking down at me for all my life choices. What a great way to waste my Saturday.

"Why does she always blame you?" Scott asked me after a while, just to ensure that mum was really upstairs showering and not lurking around somewhere.

I looked at Scott and shook my head, "no idea, maybe because I don't have any girl friends."

He looked confused, "why should that matter?"

I booped his nose, "because you boys are trouble."

"But I'm you're brother. I can't be that bad."

I shook my head. Honestly, most of the bad choices I had made in my life surrounded Scott. It was definitely his fault that I had an overbearing instinct to protect him. "Yes, exactly. Trouble."


im trying to stick to my posting schedules but technically i am offline. will be back early november tho

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