~Chapter 5~

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~Steven POV~
"Steven, hunny, come here and tell mommy what is wrong." Mom said. "He-he hurts me mommy!! Please! Get him away from me!" I yelled. "I am sorry Steven but I can't I'm already dead." Mom said. She started to disappear from me. "Don't leave me mom!!" I shouted but no one can hear. Everything started to turn black. I felt as if I was falling, but I wasn't. "Hey Steven. Come here. Why don't you lie down?" Anthony said. "Chilly Willy?" I mumbled. I blinked my eyes and saw my father. "Come here boy! Time for you to learn your lesson!" He yelled. I could see.. another me. He is crying. Wining for... Anthony. For Chilled. For the Italian. 

~Anthony POV~ 

I got a text message. It is from... Jessica... I-I can't look. I only invited the Derp Crew over to forget about our breakup. 

"But Jessica! I want to be with you! I love you!" 

"No you don't!! You love Steven! I see the way you treat him and look at him!" She yelled through her tears. Why do I always lose the girls that mean the most to me? "Jessica! Wait please!!" I yelled once more. A guy walked in, brown hair, green eyes, a smirk that just oozed with "Cheater" written all over it. "You're dumping me for-for HIM!?" I yelled. Hot tears walked down my face, hitting my cheeks then my chin. "He loves me Anthony! He has a great job and will do anything for me!" She said. Yeah as well as cheating! In that moment she was gone. I didn't even say goodbye.

I read the message. "Your were right Anthony!! I found him making out with three other girls! I miss you. I never wanted to dump you. Please, take me back!" It said. "No" I replied. As much as it hurt, I don't date the same girl twice because if they dumped me once, they're likely to do it again. "PLEASE!" Another message buzz onto my phone. "No! You broke my little heart! Why should I date you again?! Just so you can have the joy to kill me all over again?!" I text. How does she still have my number? My phone stopped buzzing for a while. I went and found the guys.

"Uh, hey guys" I said. Shit. I croaked. "Um hey Anthony are uh, you alright?" John asked. "Uh.. Yeah yeah I'm... I'm fine." I said, unconvincingly. Anthony looked at me worried. "Is it Jess?" He asked. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. The two fools came to comfort me. At least I can find some fun in calling them fools... Or not. I sat down on the couch. "There, there. Don't worry, you have your friends. We can help." Anthony said soothing and calm. "Yeah! Look why don't we invite other people, have a party? It could make you feel better." John said. Okay John there is just that one word you said that makes it a 50-50 percent chance of happy or sad. You said "Could". 

~Tom POV~ 

God, everyone is just falling apart. First it is Anthony and Jessica's breakup. Then it is Steven and his depression. Now Anthony is falling apart. John mention a party and I think it will work. It will make both of them happy! I can call up Minx, Krism, Seananners, GassyMexican, Cathy, Renae. That should be enough right? Don't want to much people to overwhelm the both of them. I get out my phone and send a group text explaining all the details. In the next couple of moments I got back Yes's from all of them. Now. Time to clean and get Anthony and Steven out of the house.

<An Hour later>

After helping Anthony I told the plan to John and Anthony (GaLm). "Yeah I totally agree with this!" They both said in senic. "Alright, Anthony you're going to keep Steven and Anthony out of the house. John and I will clean" I said. "Aww why do I have to clean??" John wined. "Can you keep a secret? No? Didn't think so" I replied. He rolled his eyes as Anthony laughed. "Alright. Let's get to work." I said.

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