Chapter 5

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003 soon regretted asking that question, seeing as they got precisely nowhere while trying to think of a way to escape whatever fate awaited them. They knew nothing of the Captain's plans for them, making it impossible to make their own. Not only that, but 009 seemed to be growing groggy and sluggish; she said her body had powered down. There was no hope for her moving anywhere by herself.
As 003 watched her drowse, the shutter on the door slid open with a clunk, revealing 001's unpleasant head.
"Had to see if it was you," he guffawed through the screen. "Knew it must've been. Knew you'd end up where you oughta be, with the trash."
009's drooping head only twitched. Her lack of response seemed to incense him.
"You're nothing but scrap metal now, trash can, you hear me? You're finished. You're gonna be melted down, and they're not even gonna bother to put you to sleep while they do it."
003 was ready to throw themselves at him, but when they jerked forward to do just that, 009 murmured, "don't." She didn't even open her eyes. Meanwhile, 001 was working himself into a frenzy.
"And they're gonna replace you with the fresh meat! Hear that, 003? Soon they're gonna butcher your brains till you're nothing but a tin can!"
003 looked steadily back at the bulging eyes in the door slot. This meatball was regurgitating information for them onto a silver platter. They smiled as they understood 009's nonchalance.
"Don't understand me, moron? Fine. Smile while you can, because we'll be docking in a week to drop off the garbage," he jerked his head in 009's direction.
"Then everyone'll be too busy to hear you scream when they come for you. Enjoy your slop."
001 kicked a plate of gruel under the door and left. The second he was out of earshot, 009's head snapped up.
"Good job! You had him half mad."
003 nodded. "So they'll have to dock," they muttered. "Makes sense. They'll need the right parts to make a cyborg."
"And the right furnace to melt one down," 009 added bitterly. "So we have time, but not much. We need to work now."
The two discussed with renewed determination. It was agreed upon that stealing one of the emergency escape crafts was their best hope; there was next to no chance of their escaping at the dock, which would no doubt be heavily guarded. But 009 still couldn't move autonomously, and it took at least two guards to wheel her gurney.
"What makes you power down, exactly?"
"I think it's the calculation index. It's implanted at the back of my skull. When it gets the signal, it shuts everything off— everything it controls, anyway."
"Then there must be some kind of receptor in there. If there is, receptors can be blocked..." they paused. They had an idea, but wasn't sure how their friend would feel about it. With no other option, they began to stammer.
"Do you think maybe— only if you're okay with it, obviously— could I maybe take a look at it?"
To their great alarm, 009 began to convulse. 003 rushed toward her, horrified, until she looked at her eyes. They had lit up, crinkled at the corners, and a harsh rasping wheeze came from deep in her mask. She was laughing.
"Heh... You're asking me? My skull gets popped open every time I knock a bolt in wrong. Heh... heh..."
The laugh turned into a shuddering intake of air as her respirator reset.
"Ugh... I must be defect. I shouldn't be able to do that. I feel like a used balloon. Yes, you can look at anything you like. But you'll need tools."
"I have an idea."

It was 003's turn to watch for their opportunity. 009 only seemed to sleep for an hour at a time, which 003 was secretly glad for. She muttered in her sleep— something about bright lights and begging someone to stop doing something. It was disturbing.
They watched as she lifted her head and shook it as if there were midges irritating her.
"This working seems unlikely," she said, continuing the conversation they were having before she slept.
"Sometimes simple is best. And if it doesn't work, I'll just have to find a way to pose as a guard and wheel you out of here myself."
As 003 said the last bit, the cyborg looked at her feet.
"If it doesn't work, you should start thinking about you. It might be possible for you to get out alone—"
"Shh! I think someone's coming."
Galumphing footsteps told them it was who they were waiting for.
"One day down, filth," 001 announced through the door. "Only six more days left of your miserable existence."
"Come to gloat some more, you thick scumbag?" 003 hissed back.
"Brighter today, then?" He chirped. "Yes, I'm here to enjoy myself. I want to watch you waste before they turn you into a zombie. That's what you get for trying to make a fool outa me, 003."
003 turned away and slumped down, feigning defeat. In truth, they had a lot more to day, but biting their tongue they replied instead, "Whatever. Gawp all you want, you sick twerp. It doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters now is she doesn't see me."
"Who?" 001 demanded, goggling through the slot.
"What's it to you? Why don't you just piss off?"
"Tell me who, or I'll stop bringing you your rations. You'll starve," he finished, triumphantly.
003 hung their head. "004."
001 chortled.
"You can be sure they'll see you, filth. I'll make sure. And they'll spit on you like everyone else."
He hawked a glob of mucus onto the ground and left. When he was gone, 003 turned to 009, chest puffed.
"Did you hear that?"
"I can't believe he fell for it," 009 replied, shaking her head. "Do you really think 004 will help us?"
"They're the person I know best on this whole ship. I trust them."
003 really did. 004 always did things the right way to a fault. She would see this was wrong. Even if she didn't, she owed 003 for seeing to that valve before the inspectors noticed. They had always looked out for each other.

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