Chapter 20

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With Juju as their guide, 003 made it out of the sewers and onto the riverbank.
"They had to have seen us head underground from the temple. That must be where they gassed us from."
It wasn't hard to know which direction to go in. The temple's glaring white steeple leered over all the other buildings from the centre of the sect, a golden bust of the king glimmering at the very top.
Sure enough, the street they had disappeared underground in was cordoned off. Blending in with the curious crowds, they spied a large pump and motor being packed up with several large cylinders labelled 'ANALDINE'. Juju sniggered.
"Heh... anal..."
"There must be a storehouse or something where they keep it all. Hopefully they'll lead us to it."
When the workers moving the gas apparatus were on the move, so were the pair at a distance, until they came to a warehouse ensconced in rusty barbed wire.
"So that's where they keep it," Juju muttered, "but how do we get in?"
003 narrowed their eyes, watching the workers with the pump carefully. One produced a small key and slipped it into a slot in the fence as they approached the gate, which duly clattered open.
"I have an idea."

When the worker with the keys emerged from the gates, 003 and Juju took to the rooftops to stalk them. When the crowds thinned, 003 dropped into an alley to lie in wait. As the worker approached, they grabbed his arm and pulled him towards them, and Juju dropped from the parapets on top of him, putting him in a headlock while 003 sealed his nostrils and mouth with their hand. When he stopped struggling, 003 glanced at their accomplice.
"Reckon that's enough?"
As Juju nodded and released the worker, they began to search for a key while 003 removed the workers overalls and pulled them on over their own clothes. Depositing the unconscious worker on his side, they moved onto the next target; they would need two sets of overalls. They repeated the process without too much trouble and were soon furnished with workers outfits and keys. They headed back to the warehouse.

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