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Pax felt themselves sink down into the floor as the docking tower elevator lifted them up. Gaining momentum, it sent waves of air rushing down past them, washing their whole body with fresh breeze and faint, comforting smells: oil, steel, fire. As the elevator rose, so did Pax's spirits. They were nearing the hangar, where they were keeping something extra special.
They stepped out at the very top of the tower, looking over the rusty hues of the new Sect 1. Every time they came up here, Pax noticed progress made on the rejuvenating city— repaired roads, new buildings. After a while, they turned back to immerse themselves in the mechanical bustle of the tower. Being noted as the best mechanic in Terrestria had its perks; Pax was in charge of all the engineering that went on in the tower, and it had become their very own playground to tinker away all they liked.
Overall-clad workers milled around, just like they had when Pax had first escaped the airship. There were a few differences, though, they proudly noted; they were relaxed, getting ready to knock off for the day, far earlier than they would have been used to. They talked more— some even said bright 'hello's to Pax as they passed, which they returned with glee. There was one other thing, too— they no longer made a sea of monotonous beige, but paddled around in whatever colours they liked. Pax had decided they didn't like beige. It reminded them too strongly of past times.
As they approached the hangar, Pax was greeted by a worker in bright, bold red from the kerchief on their head to their chunky boots protecting their toes. Someone was enjoying their new found freedom.
"Hello, there," Pax returned on their cheerful greeting, "what's new in there? Faith hasn't been in, has she?"
"Nope," the red worker replied, cleaning their hands, "I'd keep it secret if she turned up, don't worry. It's looking good."
"Thanks," Pax chirped proudly, "Just a few finishing touches and it'll be finished."
The red worker left for the day, whistling as Pax passed them into the hangar. It was abandoned, and Pax drew a deep breath, feeling something akin to what they had felt when they were assigned sole mechanic in the repairs bay on the air ship. Only it wasn't so much relief as anticipation.
They approached a huge mass covered by a slightly oil-stained cloth. Disappearing under it, Pax smiled with pride at the huge thing they had created. Faith was going to love her surprise. With a flourish, they once again pulled out their trusty wrench with a flourish. A few tweaks here, a few there, and of course a final shine up, and it would be ready. They'd been working on it for weeks.
Hours later, they had finally finished polishing the huge machine. One speck and they knew their beloved would notice, even though she wouldn't say. It was just how Faith was.
Once again, the elevator sent them rushing down the side of the magnificent tower, only rattling slightly as it reached the bottom. Pax worked on it every day, keeping it in tip-top shape, and had even added in a few more for the sheer amount of workers that flooded in every morning, and then out again in the afternoon. Since having to take the stairs that first day, Pax made a point of never using them if they didn't have to. Plus, the exhilaration of travelling up and down so fast in something they had created never failed to buoy them throughout the day.
Stepping out onto a freshly cobbled road, Pax made their way though the streets on foot, relishing not having to look over their shoulder for one or more of those hellish skeletal Gazers. Instead, every now and then a dark-cloaked figure would float past, and flash Pax a friendly grin, revealing shining silver fangs.
As they neared the palace, they passed the old temple. Instead of it's tall steeple and golden bust, it sported a steel heart cut out. Watching the sun glint off it, Pax decided to pop in and say hello.
Dr Bell, as usual, was manning the temple-turned-hospital. a kitchen handed out food and supplies to those who had been slum dwellers under the king, and the doctor was busy tending to patients made sick after the destruction of the sewers.
"Hello, Bell," Pax called. "Need anything?"
"There's a list on the front desk. Things are busy as usual."
Pax took the list, promising to have the things she needed within the next week and heading on their way.
Their pace quickened as they entered the palace and headed through its halls. It was much less imposing than it had once been; it was now a comforting rusty colour rather than it's previous severe silver and gold scheme, and the addition of the odd fire place added a warmth Pax could never have before imagined taking hold of the place. Excited to bursting, Pax opened the door on Faith.

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