Chapter 15

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004 slept through the night for the first time since her arrest on the airship. The work for the Order was comfortingly repetitive; it wasn't engineering on an airship, but at least she was busy for some purpose. She had been quietly stewing in her own guilt for the past few days, but now she had found a way to assuage it; even the Captain who she had wronged couldn't argue against the work she did for the Order. The Priest of Sect 4 had told them what the eyeball charms were while they were packing some to be sent  to the poor; they were wards, he had said, blessed by the King himself. They protected the public against humanity's worst enemy— the Vampires.
004 was shocked such a thing could exist under His Majesty's rule. Vampires, she had learned, were treacherous souls working day and night to overthrow the King and take control for their own nefarious rule. Their modus operandi  was diabolical; they stole innocent people's lives away in the night, leaving behind only the telltale signs of their noxious fangs on their victim's necks. The idea that these selfish monsters existed was sickening when the people who acted for the King, like Priest 4, were so obviously trying to act for the good of their people. He had saved she and 003 from the Gaze, and taken them in, no questions asked. Sure, there were poor people, but they were being well looked after; 004 and the Order were seeing to that. No Vampire would touch them.
Tragically, though, the Sir Dixon they had heard about from the newsreader had not been the last taken. His son, a young man of only 25, had been the next target. Though in mourning, had had his whole life ahead of him, and was ready to take up where his father had left off. Alas, just this morning, the murderers has slaughtered him. Priest 4 had broken the news to them sadly as he personally brought them their breakfast. Strangely, he had not brought the day's packages for them to stamp.
004 was aghast. "So young! The brutes!"
"Indeed," the priest had murmured, shaking his head. "Which is why I must ask something of you two. I have seen your skill against the Gaze; though it was misplaced then, I see value in it now. Come, I wish to show you something."
004 and 003 followed obediently. 004 got the feeling her friend was watching her more intently than usual; more often than not, she could feel their eyes on her, and they were very quiet. 004 couldn't understand why exactly; maybe it was just the change in environment.
The priest led them through large doors guarded by a large silver eye motif, and down a hallway they hitherto hadn't ventured into. The metal walls were stamped with towering, austere guards complete with shield and sword. 004 felt a small pang of exasperation with her friend as they drew closer to her. They were safe here, why didn't they understand that? The walls opened up into a vast room as they continued, and Priest 004 stopped.
"Welcome to the Hall of Hunters. It honours members of His Majesty's Order, past and present. Take Sir Abbot for instance," he gestured to a grand statue. "He brought 11 Vampires to justice in a single year. I'm sure you'll appreciate the grandeur of the feat, elusive as they are."
004 did. Already she had learn that not a single Vampire had been caught this year; no doubt they were using arts so dark and low that they had so far remained undiscovered.
"This is what the Order does," the old man continued. "Protect His Majesty's people, and bring His Enemies to justice. Such is the glory of His reign; His people will always be protected most fiercely. But the threat of the wretched Vampires is now stronger than ever. Simply put, the Order needs new heroes like Sir Abbott.
I would like to give you that chance. I see great promise in you both, and I would be proud to work beside you for the people."
His speech swelled in 004's chest like a warming balloon. No more would they be common criminals on the run; they would be invaluable parts of the Kingdom once more. Trying to keep her joy in check, 004 struggled to answer the Priest's offer with the gravity it deserved.
"It would be an honour," she said, a little shakily, turning to 003. They remained quiet, but in looking into their friend's face, they nodded.
"Then I am pleased to welcome you both as family," the old man said, grasping each of their hands in turn. At the word 'family,' 004 thought she might burst into tears.
"You will wear the mark I gave to you on the day we first met each day, along with the uniform you will find in your new rooms. Go now, and meet me back here at midday for your first training session. And I would be honoured if you would call me Father."

Overcome with the almost-stranger's benevolence, 004 gazed at her reflection in the full length mirror provided in her new room. Her darkened eyes were stark against her new pure white ensemble, trimmed with twined silver and gold and complete with calf length cape held in place by a golden chain with a silver eyeball buckle. Her utility belt was replaced with a shiny holster carrying a crossbow and a dagger, but the most striking feature of her getup was the long, golden scythe fitted on her back, blade glinting coldly with another silver eye. She was disturbed from her admiration by a knock at the door.
"004? Are you ready? It's nearly midday."
004 opened the door on her friend in matching garb. They smiled uncomfortably.
"I feel kind of stupid."
"Nonsense," 004 reassured them, "we look amazing! Let's go. I wonder what training will be."
She guessed it would include learning how to use her weapons, probably against Vampires. Quietly brimming with pride at the thought of protecting the people from such bloodthirsty monsters, she entered the hall again, followed by 003.

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