Chapter 28

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Faith prayed that she had made the right decision as 003 was unshackled and bundled into the elevator. The dismay on their face as they disappeared behind the mechanical doors made tears sting her eyes, but Faith silently promised that she was doing this for them. As a Captain of her own airship, she would have more power; she would find 003, and they could fly away from here, and they wouldn't have to live like sewer rats any more.
With these thoughts crowding her mind, she stepped onto the bridge next to Captain 11 and looked at the crew below. Burning satisfaction crept into her chest as she recognised the voice of 001 drawling, 'so, a traitor's to be our Captain.'
"By order of His Majesty the King, the time has come for the selection of my successor. His Majesty Himself has selected Faith of the Order, previously Unit 004 of this airship."
As the Captain spoke, she fastened an oblong badge onto Faith's chest, and she couldn't help glowing with pride just a little. After all, this was what she had dreamed of since her life on the airship had started, whenever that was. The Captain herself would teach Faith everything she knew, and then when she was in full control of the airship, who knew what could happen?
The crew applauded, and cried things like 'welcome', and 'glory to the King', and 'glory to the Captain', and 'glory to the new Captain', making her think of better times... better times on the airship. The crew were happy. She had been happy. As the crowd dispersed and the airship rose, so too did Faith's spirits, buoyed by the rush of no longer hiding underground, but rather rising above the city on her own airship.
"You will be an excellent Captain. I'm proud of you, but you have much to learn. You have discovered much about the Kingdom we live in since your... escapade, I believe.
Our air children are indeed removed from their biological families. I can understand why this upsets you," the Captain said, feeling Faith's tension, "But allow me to explain. Their families were all criminals of the most dangerous kinds. His Majesty himself had no choice but to order them executed. Assassins, murderers, hell bent on destroying the Kingdom and seizing what was left for themselves. The children, of course, were not to be punished, so they are brought here, into our airship family, where they can have a life outside of crime. Do you see now?"
Faith nodded slowly, and not just because it was in her best interests. the vampires were assassins, there was no doubt. The nobles they targeted had loved ones, too.
"Then you see why we must find the rebels and stop them, do you not, Faith?"
Faith considered carefully.
"Murder isn't right. There must be another way."
"Exactly. You've seen both worlds, and you can make them see, Faith. That is why the Order lent you to us. That is your mission."
Hope burst into Faith's belly and danced like a flame. She would find another way, and she would start by finding 003. They would listen to her, they would understand that what the vampires were doing was wrong. Surely it was all a misunderstanding between them and the Kingdom, and they would resolve it, peacefully.
"I can do it, I know I can."
"Then, you will lead us to the vampires of Terrestria?"

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