Chapter 32

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Faith tried to maintain stern appearances as she docked her airship at Sect 4. 003 had finally agreed to see her, and although Faith was eager to make amends, she knew she also had to do what was best for Airship 11 now more than ever.
Once the ship was docked, all there was left to do was wait; 003 would meet the new Captain on the bridge.
At length, they entered escorted by two prison guards and Priest 4. Faith's heart sank as they saw 003's stony face, and silently chastised herself for ever allowing foolish notions of a warm reunion into her head.
"I'm happy to see you," she said, and on receiving a side glance from her predecessor quickly added, "so we can finally negotiate. It's time to put an end to this conflict and stat over peacefully."
003 didn't say anything at first; they were taking in their old home. Faith knew they must be realising how nothing had changed.
Unnerved and desperate not to show it, Faith hurried on.
"There doesn't have to be bloodshed any more. The King will grant a pardon to all the vampires if they hand over their resources and start normal lives. They'll even be given jobs to live on, jobs that don't involve violence and living in the sewers."
003 looked up at Faith.
"The vampires don't want bloodshed either. They've sent me to say that they'll comply. Not that they have much choice. But if a single one is harmed in any way, the treaty is off, and everything will go backwards."
Faith let herself breathe again. Everything was going to be all right now. She wanted to hold 003 and tell them that, but of course that would be highly unprofessional.
"Agreed! I want to ask if you'll rejoin Airship 11 as head mechanic," walking closer, Faith couldn't help adding in a whisper, "please."
003 nodded, but slowly stepped backwards away from Faith, a gesture who's icy tendrils she fought not to let dig into her chest.
"I'll do it," 003 said, not looking at Faith. "Can someone take these cuffs off me now? I want to sleep."
They left to be escorted to their quarters, leaving Faith to navigate a takeoff with tears in her eyes. She had counted on nobody noticing, but the worst possible person did.
"What the hell's her problem?" asked 001 in a poor excuse for a whisper, "King help us. Our Captain's in love with a vampire!"
"Get to your station, 001," Faith snapped in the direction of his voice, "and keep your fat trap shut."
Once the airship floated into the sky, something deep inside Faith's stomach sunk as her mentor passed her murmuring, "a word."
Silently, Faith followed her to the end of the bridge and waited for the older woman to speak.
"Why are you here?"
"I— don't understand," Faith stammered.
"Ask yourself, why are you here? Why are you the Captain of Airship 11, and nobody else? Why not 001, for example? Because you and you alone had the ambition and cold logic to get here, that's why."
"Captain, I do what's best for the airship."
The old captain laughed.
"No. Don't tell me you're still fooling yourself with that business? You left the airship. You did it to save yourself from Punishment. Then you joined the Hunters, because they offered protection for yourself. Then you joined the vampires because they saved you. Now you are here because you have been offered what you have always wanted. Everything you have done, you have done it for yourself. Don't look so shamefaced," she continued on seeing Faith's face drop, "Where would you and your friends be if not for your selfishness? Living underground in your own scum like rats. The crew have to believe you do what's best for the airship, of course. That narrative is necessary for its continued function. But don't lose sight of the truth inside you. You got yourself here; nobody else. With nothing but cool logic. If you continue that way, and don't lose yourself to any subjective, emotional irrationality," the steely woman concluded, looking Faith dead in the eye, "you will continue to go far."

Faith returned to her place on the bridge and set her hands around the railing, squeezing the colour from her knuckles.

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