Chapter 18

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The searing pain of the wires cutting into her skin was more than 004 had ever borne. It was like a hellish spider web, clinging and cutting and drawing blood from her scalp, belly, her eyes—
Passing out had been a mercy. When she woke up, she was cold to the bone, but her skin screamed as if it were burning, and she cried out for her Father. There was no answer.
In the hope that seeing something would shed some light on her situation, 004 tried to open her eyes, and, with a sickening lurch of her stomach, realised it made no difference to the nothingness that encompassed her.
"My eyes," she whimpered, before throwing up down her chest. Her garb from the Order had been replaced with some rough hessian that made her tattered skin shriek with every movement. The cold and pain stiffened her completely and she stayed sprawled on the putrid, reeking ground, damp with puke and piss and blood. This must be hell, 004's rent mind wailed inside her skull. For everything I've done. Forgive me, I'm sorry, oh just let it end just let me die...
It did not end.

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