Chapter 33

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Tesla paced up and down before Orla as she finished outlining her plan. Orla couldn't blame Tesla for her concern; it was half-baked at best.
"So," Tesla began to recap, "We find the King, wherever he is. Presumably Sect 1, seeing as it's the founding Sect. Find a way into his court... somehow... and then what? Kill him?"
"No," Orla murmured carefully, "We kidnap him, like he's done to the vampires, and use him as leverage."
"You know they've tried to do that before, right? It's impossible."
"Then we might have to let our royal friends have their way for a while," Orla continued, joining Tesla in her walk up and down the room. "Remember what Faith said about the Hunters? Anyone could join their order if they had the right skills. Surely they wouldn't mind a cyborg."
It was a desperate measure, but it was the only one they had. She couldn't let them know she was Punished, of course; but she could at least show off her skills. Who knew, perhaps they could wind up in the palace guard. His Majesty's system was a good one for those who were happy to shut up and obey.
"All right... Hunters it is," Tesla said at length, watching Miu and Nang slip out the window together. She gestured towards them. "Shall we join them? I want to enjoy my last day of relative freedom."
The pair took to the rooftops, following their furry friends. It was just dawn; the sun had barely broken over the buildings of Sect 4, and there were still a few stars visible. The shingled roofs were easy enough for Orla to navigate with her inbuilt balance calibration system, but Tesla's foot found a loose tile and she slipped, forcing Orla's hand to shoot out and catch her.
"That's not like you. Are you sleepy? Maybe you'd better hold my hand," she teased.
"Shut up," Tesla shot back, but she didn't protest, and the pair continued hand-in-hand.
They had reached the temple; Miu was gently batting Nang's ears, coaxing him up the bell tower. She shot upwards, he close behind.
"I'll bet it's a good view up there."
Tesla began to clamber up, dragging Orla in tow, her legs clanking slightly as her metal met the silver of the building.
"Do you think we could make it up all the way to the king's head?"
"First person to get there gets to knock it off!"
Tesla was clearly in a competitive mood after losing her balance. She jumped and caught hold of the lower parapet in a single bound. Orla was impressed as she silently shimmied up the tower, and tried not to let herself clink metallically against the building lest she wake up its inhabitants. When she reached the top, Tesla was already tugging at the King's golden bust.
"I win!"
"Alright, you win," Orla sighed, sitting down. It really was a good view from up here.
"But I can't get him off, the git," Tesla continued, sitting next to Orla. They sat in silence for a while, looking over the city.
"What do you want to do after all this? If it ends," Orla said suddenly. Tesla looked at her.
"I try not to think about it. I don't know if it will end."
"But if it ends?"
The pair looked at each other a while.
"You know," Tesla said slowly, "I think I'd just like to be with you, if that's alright."
She was very close now, and Orla felt that old conflicted feeling of simultaneously wanting to back away and embrace her. Partly as an act of defiance against her upbringing on the airship, she chose the latter before speaking.
"That's just fine with me."
Tesla pressed her pink lips to Orla's deathly pale ones, and the cyborg froze, unsure of what this strange new gesture was supposed to be. It wasn't something she had much experience with, but all the same, it felt right given the circumstances, and it wasn't wholly unpleasant. In fact, Orla was quite content to let it go on for some time. Tesla seemed to know what she was doing; it was natural that she should take charge. For the first time in a while, Orla vaguely registered that things seemed just fine at that moment. When Tesla backed away, she was smiling.
"You need practice."
Orla looked away, stammering an embarrassed apology which Tesla cut off.
"It's alright," she murmured, "I like practice."
She was doing it again, and this time Orla didn't freeze. As it turned out, she liked practice too.
As the sun rose, they readied to descend and enter the temple. Before they dropped off the parapet, they worked together to remove the golden bust from the steeple.
"We're gonna getcha," Tesla whispered in his metal ear, before hurling him as far away as she could.

"What does it take to become part of His Majesty's Order?" Orla asked the Priest after the morning service.
"An extremely high calibre, I assure you," Priest 4 said haughtily. It was clear enough that he didn't like Orla from the very beginning. Perhaps her pale skin hinted to her having lived in the sewers? the thought made her stifle a snigger. He didn't know half of it. What would happen if he knew she was technically undead?
"I have no doubt of that," Orla said, trying to stroke the old man's ego. " Which is why we're here. His Majesty welcomes all members of His Kingdom who wish to serve, no?"
"Yes..." The old man still looked suspicious, and Tesla chimed in.
"Priest 4, what happens when one colony of rats is driven out of an area?"
Her question took him by surprise, allowing her to continue uninterrupted.
"Another moves in. It's news all over the city that His Majesty has captured the vampires; now more than ever it is time to be vigilant. It lies with the Order of Hunters to protect Terrestria from anything that might take their place. We may come from the city's less fortunate, but that has it's benefits. Our combat skills, for example."
Tesla had timed her speech well; other members of the congregation had entered earshot, and the priest finally showed interest.
"you are poor, you say? Dear children, you are welcome here. You will find your places in the Order. Such is the merciful will of His Majesty!"
They were lead to simple rooms and provided with food and white garb. As Orla ate, it was easy to see how the Order picked up so many followers; anyone living on an empty stomach would be an easy target.
When the Priest returned, he came bearing two long wooden rods.
"In order to become a Hunter for His Majesty, you must prove your combat skills. Only the very best become protectors of His Kingdom; therefore, you two must engage in hand to hand combat. Only one may become a Hunter."
The pair looked at each other, faint smiles playing about their lips. Of course, the old man would want to play them against each other— if members of the Order started forming alliances amongst themselves, the Priest might lose his position of sole influencer. They followed him into the training hall.
"You must each attempt to capture the target behind your opponent, whilst protecting your own. Whomsoever captures their opponent's flag first will commence training as a Hunter; the other as a cook."
He put a strange emphasis on the last word, as if spitting out something distasteful. Even the Order had its own hierarchy, it seemed.
As the new lovers squared off against each other, Orla prepared for a tough fight. Tesla was strong and skilled, and had a competitive spirit; beating her wouldn't be easy. Not that it mattered— whichever one of them won, the King would still be in serious danger.
But as the Priest gave the order for them to begin, Orla noticed that Tesla was moving sluggishly; only someone who knew her well would be able to tell, but Orla fit that bill. She caught on almost immediately; Tesla meant for Orla to win. Orla flashed her a smile to show she understood. Tesla must have had plans of her own.
She feigned disappointment as Orla took the flag, and the priest signalled for someone to enter.
"Take our newest kitchen hand to her new workplace," he said, and waved dismissively.
Orla helped Tesla up, and as she passed, whispered, "meet me at the steeple at midnight," and proceeded to follow the cook to the kitchens.
"Fear not for your friend," The Priest said once she was gone, "she will be doing His Majesty's good work just as you will. Perhaps one day she will become a Hunter, but not yet. She does not share your expertise. You must now focus on your training. Congratulations; from now on you will be known as Grace, and I will be your Father."

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