#2 Coincidence

56 23 14

°Sierra's P.O.V°

I stepped inside the university gates and started looking for my best and only friend Heather.

I walked up to the university building and waited for her to arrive, as we decided to meet here so we won't get lost.

After about 3 minutes I saw her coming towards me with a big teethy smile, showing her gorgeous pearly whites, Which made me smile too.

I started to walk towards her and when we were in arms reach we hugged and screamed out of excitement.

"I'm so happy to see you!!!" She yelled.

"Me toooo!!" I replied as we were both still hugging and jumping up and down like little kids.

We heard a few laughs from around us but it didn't stop us from celebrating our reunion.

We live quite far from each other so we can't meet very often we just meet up on special events or birthdays.

"Reunion Selfie!" Heather said after breaking the hug and getting her iPhone out of her jacket's pocket.

We took some selfies and than everyone around us started to go inside the building and the front ground was clearing up. So we also followed the other students.

We arrived at a notice board, it had a bunch of rules written on it with bold writing, and another note that told the new students to gather in the assembly hall. We asked a group of girls standing at their lockers about the assembly hall they showed us a picture of a map on their phones.

We followed the directions after they sent us the map. Finally we reached the assembly hall which was crowded. Mostly all the seats were occupied by students and the teachers and principal were standing at the stage for their welcome speech.

Heather saw two empty seats and we ran towards them Heather was quick and sat on the first one but I got blocked by some person and a Brown haired boy took the seat next to Heather and Heather looked around to find me.

"Excuse me,  can you please move aside...?"

"Sure" xx

Finally the person was out of my way and I walked over to Heather. I stood next to them as they talked.

"Can you please find another seat I was hoping to sit with my best friend" she said to the guy.

"First come, first served" he said with attitude, and turned his attention towards the stage, then he looked back at Heather and said "Actually I was hoping for MY Best friend to sit with me." he continued and pointed to a guy with perfectly styled black hair with mesmerizing silver eyes stood next to him like I was stood next to Heather.

Damnnnnnnn boi you lookin' like a snack.

Heather was about to say something but the principal started to speak.

"Welcome students, I apologize for the lack of seating as this assembly hall is new, I've gathered you all here to announce that this year's batch of seniors are very close to the hearts of the teachers and me as well" the principal said proudly.

"They've made our university proud by earning Gold in sports and the medical projects" she said as everyone started to clap.

Why is she telling us about them? I thought this was our first day and she would give a welcoming speech or something but I guess she wants us to earn gold medals as well. Kinda selfish....

She continued to appreciate the seniors and the teachers, then she gave a small motivational speech followed by a welcoming speech.

"Every student will receive a schedule for classes and a map of the university Via email, thank you and good luck" she said and left the stage

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