#5 Depresso

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2 weeks later


It's been two weeks now, two weeks since my parents left this world, two weeks since I've been in this homeless shelter, two weeks since I've spoken to my brother.

They sold the house and gave the money to the homeless shelter as donation from my dead parents.

I got 40% of the inheritance money.

I was fine by it. I don't want the money anyway.

Shawn, Heather and river visited me everyday after classes were done, literally begging me to leave this place and come live with any of them.

But I refused, I will never accept pity of people, not even my closest friends!

I've been feeling horrible, sick, and weak. I've been skipping lectures, becoming anti-social, a loner, a depressed anxious girl.

Very depressed.

Depression was something that was hard for me to deal with, I can handle my anxiety very well, and other mental health issues. BUT depression. once it hits me I can't get out of it easily.

I heard a knock on my door I got up from my bed, wore my baggy grey hoodie and put the hood on my head and walked to the door and opened it.

"People are here to see you sweetheart" the receptionist at the homeless shelter said to me and eyed me up and down. "And wear something presentable" she said and walked away.

I closed the door and took a deep breath, I opened the wardrobe-chest thingy and brought out a navy blue T-shirt with skinny jeans.

After getting dressed I combed my hair which had been neglected for a few week and it grew out up to my upper back.

I had extremely long hair at one point of my life those may not have been thst grest but atleast my family was a little more happy and stable, those were happy days until everything went even more downhill.

I sighed and brushed my hair until it was tangle free. I put on some shoes and walked out of the room heading towards the meeting room.

After 20 minutes

"Please sweetheart, you have to come with us, this is not suitable for a precious girl like you" heather's mom said in a worried tone.

i inwardly rolled my eyes.

Precious, my foot.

"I'm fine here." I said looking at Heather's mom straight in the eye.

"You're coming with us young lady and that's final." Heather's dad said strictly crossing his arms over his chest

I huffed "N-"

"End of discussion!" He said and pointed towards the door which meant I had to leave right now to pack or he'll be mad.

"Fine" I mumbled and walked to my room.

I angrily packed my stuff and we headed to their house.

When I reached inside with Heather's mom next to me and her dad parking the car in the garage.

"Thank god they convinced you!!" Heather yelled and ran to me then hugged me.

"More like forced me" I mumbled, but she heard me and laughed.

"Don't worry, we're going have so much fun!" she said excitedly.

Pulling me upstairs to her room.

"dinners at 7:30! " Heather's mom yelled to us from downstairs in the kitchen.

We sat on her bed, then she jolted up.
"I haven't showed you your room!!" I jumped, She yelled catching me off guard scared me a little.

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