#4 Loss

36 21 0

2 months later


I woke up and looked around I wasn't at home, I was in a white room?

It's called a Hospital sweetie.

I slowly sat up on the bed.

What am I doing here?

Then all the events from yesterday came crashing down on me like a brick wall. Tears formed in my eyes as I remembered the dead bodies of my parents.


It was a lovely Friday evening. I was out with my friends Heather, Shawn and river we went to the movies.

Yes we are friends now, no need to be shocked. I can't believe I'm friends with Shawn heart eyes. I mean! The Shawn

Then I got a call in the middle of our movie. I walked outside of the movie room to answer the call, disturbing all the people earning some annoyed looks.

I finally reached outside and answered up the call

Hello? -Sierra

Is this Sierra Grace Steward? - unknown

"Um...Yes?" Sierra

"I'm calling you to inform that your parents have been involved in a car accident, I request you to come to the hospital in Pine Street as soon as possible, do you understand?"


She ended the call leaving me in a state a disbelief and shock. I was frozen in place, everything became a blur.

But they must be okay. Right?
Please be alright.

I felt something wet on my check and realised tears were flowing down my cheeks. I was shaking.

"Sierra!?" I heard someone call my name from a distance

I couldn't move. I didn't know how to respond. I went numb.

"Sierra?" My name was said again. And the person jogged and stood in front of me

It's Shawn.

I forgot I was here with my friends.

"What happened? Why are you crying!? Who called you?!?" He asked questions as he saw my tear stained eyes and shaky hands.

I didn't reply. Its like i was in a trance. My mind was working but i couldn't say anything. Weird? i know.

He texted on his phone. And took a step towards me.

And engulfed me in tight, warm, calming hug. I hugged him back and started sobbing harder and harder into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay. Tell me what happened?" He said as he stroked my hair.

Before I could say anything. I heard worried voices coming from behind me.

"What's wrong?"
"What happened?"
"Is she okay?"

Heather took me out of his hug. When she did I instantly missed his warmth.

She held my upper arms and looked me in the eyes. "What's wrong? Tell us"

I told her everything about what the lady on the phone told me.

And before you know it, I was standing outside the emergency room with the others.

Shawn was talking to the doctor, while Heather was holding me and rubbing my back. And I have no idea where river was.

We waited. And waited.

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