#8 The dare

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"Welcome to photography class students, send me your assignments via email now." The teacher said

We sent her our assignments, and she gave us each a small cactus plant to take photographs of with a sophisticated background.

As we were doing that as she looked through the assignments.

After 25 minutes, she asked us to take our seats.

"I have chosen three of my favourite assignments, All three had completely different aesthetics. So I couldn't choose just one."

"Blake adams" everyone clapped.

Ugh, that name, minus the surname.

"Victor Logan" she said and everyone clapped again.

"And the best one's were from Sierra Steward!" She said with a big smile and clapped along with the whole class.

Wait, that's me!!

She motioned her hand for me to come to her.

I got out of my seat and walked over to her and she gave me the sticker of appreciation.

It was something she did to appreciate the hard workers, and encourage all the other students in her class.

The rest of the day went by smoothly.

After classes were over, Shawn texted me to come see him under the "hangout" tree.

I'm sure he'll talk about the lake incident.

I made my way to the tree, saw his back.

What do I say?!

"Hey" I greeted Shawn nervously.

Who was obviously busy on his iPhone. He looked up after hearing my voice.

"Hey" he said.

"What's up?" I asked popping the 'p'

"Will you be girlfriend?"

I was not expecting this question at all.

"Um, wha- why?" I asked confused,  lost at words.

"Because I like you." He said without any emotion on his face.


"Uh..." I didn't know what to say.

I can't say yes.

But you must!

Don't you remember what happened last time I let someone in my heart?

It was years ago! And besides Shawn is so much better than blake.

"Yes or yes?" He asked with a smirk.

"What if I don't like you back?" I asked raising an eyebrow and putting my and hand on hip.

"Of course you do" He said placing his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Omg,  Fine! Fine" I said as I raised my hands in surrender, and he let me go.

"So that's a yes?" He asked again with the smirk.

"...Yes, I will be your girlfriend, BUT it has to be private." I warned and pointed my index finger to him.

"What? That's no fun" he whined.

"No then" I shrugged.

"Alright alright! private relationship it is" he said and bowed like a prince

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