#3 Helpful

47 21 6

A/n: Sierra's outfits ^-^

°Shawn's P.O.V°

I received a call before lunch break letting me know that the photographer is here for our university sponsored photo shoot.

That's the reason why we were late for our first class, because the principal wanted her university to get in the 'limelight' as she mentioned.

We agreed because the side cash is always welcome.

We reached outside to the ground where our professional photographer Melissa was standing with her crew.

They were actually our childhood friends, Melissa, max, and Jared. We went from kindergarten to high school together along with river of course.

After we greeted each other. The photo shoot starts.

After about 7 minutes later we were surrounded by students and teachers. I guess this was their first time witnessing a photo shoot in university grounds.

After I was done I went to Melissa to view the pictures on the iPad. While river was posing.

I felt a gaze on me, I looked up from the iPad and into the crowd they were all staring at river as he said something to the crowd about making a line.

I kept looking around until my eyes landed on the blue shirt girl with short brown hair up to her shoulders, she's the one I have to complete my dare with.

When she saw me looking she moved backwards and disappeared from my view.

°Sierra's P.O.V°

He's still staring!

Run cindy!

That's not even my name.

Just run, or you'll fall in love with the famous bad boy who doesn't even know you exist.

That made me a little sad. But I reminded myself that I was never going to let any guy come in my life. Not after what Blake did to my mental health.

I will never allow myself to gain feelings for anyone ever.

I'll talk about him later, but for now just know that he was My highschool crush who rejected me BEFORE i confessed. I mean seriously? At least let me say something. Jeez
And you know the part that really hurt? Someone from own Friend group exposed me and not in a good way. Anyways if I talk more about it I'll get sad.


After that the whole day went by normally.

We waited for our bus to arrive after waiting for about 40 minutes we were sure It wasn't coming.

"What now?" I said to Heather.

"I guess ask for a ride from someone?" Heather suggested.

Who would give us a ride.

I shrugged and we walked towards the parking lot of the university.

We sat at the bench waiting for any car to pass.

°River's P.O.V°

Me and Shawn were sitting in his car posting our university photographs after copying and pasting the long paragraph the principal sent us to write in the caption.

We tagged the photography crew, the university and the principal in our post and tagged the location of the university as well.

After we were done. I looked up and saw the girls feather and Sandie? I don't even remember their names

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