#11 Damaged

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We arrived at the hospital shortly after. They took her into the emergency room.

After two hours, a doctor came out. We stood up abruptly and walked to him.

"Here for.... Sierra?" He said looking at the document.

"Yes, how is she?" River asked, worried.

"She hit her head very hard, she lost so much blood, I don't know how she's alive "

He paused.

"She will start recovering now, But if she doesn't wakeup in 24 hours, she may have a chance of going into.... a coma, oh and by the way please order some more blood packets for her, we'll shift her to the ICU soon. " he said giving us an apologetic smile.

River fell down into the seat rubbing his hands on his face multiple times.

I sat down next to him.

Clearly river has grown attached to her, just like me.

She is such a pure and beautiful person, how can anyone hate her. But like they say bad things happen to good people.

I put my hand on river's shoulder reassuringly.

"She's strong." I said, more to myself than him.

"I'm going to kill Derrick" he said angrily.

"We are going to kill Derrick." I said, anger consuming me.

Then I called Michelle to take care of the blood situation.

Heather came rushing towards us.

"What happened? Where is she?" She asked, clearly worried about her Bestfriend.

"She's still in the emergency room, they're shifting her to the ICU soon." River answers.

She starts sobbing. And puts her hands on her face.

"Hey it's okay, she's strong." River said as he held her and they both sat down on the hospital seats.

"Shh, she would want us to be strong not cry like babies." river said quietly to lighten the mood as he rubbed circles around her back.

She leaned forward and laid her head on his upper chest. She would've put her head on his shoulder but he's a lot taller from her

I walked away to the cafeteria. I don't wanna ruin their moment.

*Next day*

I went to the hospital to check on Sierra.

As I walked to the reception, I could see Heather's parents were coming down the elevator.

Instead of talking to the receptionist, I went to them.

"Oh, hello Shawn." Heather's mom greeted as well as her dad.

I could tell she has been crying due to her red nose and slightly red eyes.

"Uh-" I started but Heather's dad cut me off.

"They've moved her to the ICU, visiting hours are still open" he answers even before I asked.

"Thank you."

"We'll be on our way now, take care." Heather's mom said and sniffed.

I nodded in response and they left. I took the elevator up to the 2nd floor into the ICU.

I reached outside the ICU where River was sitting, clenching and un clenching his fists.

"Anything new?" I Asked as I sat next to him.

"She hasn't woken up. She'll go into coma forever." He said frustratingly and put his hands on his face covering it.

I have never seen river so concerned about anyone in his whole life. He wasn't this concerned when his older sister got shot to death.

"Come on man, don't make assumptions." I said to him and got up to go inside to see her.

I opened the door to go inside, I was greeted by a nurse. She gave me the hospital green outfit, with head mask and face mask. I wore them and went inside.

I walked into her private ICU that i paid double amount for.

I saw a nurse sitting and reading a book, she greeted me and I went to her side.

The bruises and cuts on her face were covered with cotton patches and her whole head was covered with bandages. Her mouth had an oxygen mask, she was breathing slowly.

She looks so peaceful sleeping here.

Then I heard a beep. I looked at the nurse as she stood up whilst staring at her wrist watch.

"Visiting hours are about to end in 15 minutes." She said and walked towards the medicine cabinet, picked up an injection, filled it up and inserted the needle into Sierra's arm.

I wanted to rip her into shreds Mfor doing that, but it's for Sierra's own good.

I walked out, removed the outfit and sat next to river.


I was sitting in the hospital seats, shawn came out and sat next to me.

"How was she?" I asked without looking at him.

"Wait, you haven't gone inside?" He said, surprised.

"I couldn't" I said, but only a whisper could come out of my mouth.

Whao, what the hell is wrong with me?
"What's wrong with you?" He asks curiously staring at me.

"Nothing, it's just. I feel guilty" I said failing to defend myself.

"Mhm, there's still a few minutes left, go in there." He said pushing my back making me stand up.

"Fine." I went inside wore the outfit in record time, jogged to her room.

Opened the door slowly.

You can do this!

There she was hooked to all the machines, and wires breathing slowly with the oxygen mask.

I stood there frozen.

This is all my fault.

"Sir?" The nurse questioned.

"Uh, I came to see her real quick." I said walking inside closing the one-way glass door behind me.

I walked towards her bed, and stood next to her. I held her hand and caressed it.

Guilt washing over me. I sat there lost in thought caressing her hand that had a drip thingy attached to it so the blood could be transferred into her.

I wish it didn't happen like this. I wish I didn't think so rashly.

I'm a horrible friend. I Hate myself. Stupid river! How can you be so stupid, telling Amelia about Sierra? Shawn always warned you that she was bad news! Now you know you messed up big ti-

"Sir, visiting hours are over. The doctor will be here soon." The nurse said to me softly, she brought me back to reality as i had zoned out.

I cleared my throat while standing up.

"I'll be going now. Take care." I said with a smile and left the ICU.

Shawn was still waiting for me.

I have to tell him.

"You good?" He said his eyes analyzing me.

"I have to talk to you...." I said to him.

"Sure, about what?" He asked.

I was about to open my mouth to speak, as a nurse rushed from between us saying a "sorry excuse me"

"Let's go somewhere else" I said and he nodded.

We ended up in a park next to the hospital.

We sat at a small round bench infront of each other. We were at arms distance.

"It was all my fault, I told Amelia about Sierra" I blurted out.

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