Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

Today was the day! My best friend Kaitlyn and I were finally going to an R5 concert! I couldn't wait. She bought the tickets for us and even got VIP passes! I've seen R5 before and she has too but I've never actually met them before so I was extremely thankful for her.

I wasn't really sure what to wear since I've always been really picky about that kind of thing. I decided to just throw on a complete outfit I already had hanging up in my closet.

it had a white tank top with a v-neck and salmon-orange skinny jeans with gold sandals to match. I was going to bring the light pink bag with but decided to leave that at home. I wanted my hands as free as possible!

Phone ringing

"Hello?" I answered.

"OH MY GOSH TODAY'S THE DAY OUR DREAMS COME TRUE AND I'LL MEET THE LOVE OF MY LIFE ROCKY AND YOU'LL MEET YOUR DREAM HOTTIE ROSS AND OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT!!!" It was Kaitlyn. Her favorite was Rocky and mine was Ross, if you couldn't tell from her screaming in my ear.

"OH MY GOSH I KNOW!! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET ROSS! What if he looks at me and falls deeply in love??? Haha." I said. Wishful thinking...

"Well of course he will! Who wouldn't?!" Kaitlyn replied, making me blush.

"Haha thanks Kaitlyn. Don't worry, Rocky will fall for you too!" I said and I could hear her laugh in the background.

"Let's hope so. I have to go get ready. I'll see you later then! by the way, my mom can actually pick you up."

"Sweet! I can't wait. I'll see you later!"

"Bye!" She said and hung up the phone.

I was just hoping that this would be the best day of my life. It was the only impression I would be able to make on Ross and I wanted it to be perfect.

Kaitlyn's POV

"Sweet! I can't wait. I'll see you later!" Emily said.

"Bye!" I said and hung up the phone.

I couldn't wait to help Emily meet Ross and make an incredible impression on him. She's never really felt great about herself and if Ross even smiled at her, I knew it would make her feel great about herself.

It was a win-win for both of us since I would be able to meet Rocky. I've always loved him for who he is, not because he's in the band. I even made this thing on twitter where our couple name is Rocklyn and a lot have gotten into it!

Along with Emily, I wasn't sure of what to wear. I didn't ask her but I knew she was having trouble picking out an outfit for herself. She's always OCD about that kind of thing. Especially about meeting Ross. Even when we went to just their concert she wanted to look amazing. Who could blame her?! A girl only meet her idol once!

Don't get me wrong, Em and I both loved all of R5 and Ryland for who they were individually and as a band but we also had our favorites.

Riker's POV

We were all kind of nervous about this show. I mean, it was the first one of the four month tour and we were all a bit jittery. Of course, we've performed plenty of times before but the first show of a tour is always the most nerve-racking since its the first one you get to make an impression on. Its the one everyone talks about to others who are coming to later shows. If this one was bad, we didn't want the fans thinking the other ones would be!

"Hey Riker, come on, its time to get ready for the meet and greet." My sister, Rydel, called to me.

"Coming!" I called back and went to go get ready.

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