Chapter 38 - Hate Me

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"Enter" Ares ordered his voice low but clear.

He wore a loosely fitted gown and poured himself wine.

After a moment had passed the door clicked and a man named Corian Drake entered, one of his most vital advisors and perhaps a friend. Someone who's loyalty surpassed self-interest and self-preservation. His loyalties to the crown were unquestionable but that did come with its fair share of issues.

To preserve the crown his devotion to Ares' cause was almost Zealous, making him follow the rules too strictly even for Ares's own personal taste.

Corian remained near the door showing he didn't have any intentions on staying long. He glanced at the bed that had Sera sprawled out on the unkempt bedsheets, the poor state he was in didn't much cause Corian any clear thoughts. Instead, he focused his attention toward Ares.

"That's not a dignified habit," he said nodding toward the wine.

Ares cocked an eyebrow at him mid-glare, Corian was one of very few that dared his disposition and refused to fear him.

Corian sighed turning back to the topic, "I see you've claimed him, and you have quite clearly stated your intentions"

Intentions, him meaning when a King or Lord of any kind has taken a male. It is vital that the King or lord is the conqueror rather than conquered. The reasoning speaks for itself. And the act of claiming him marks a union between the men.

"As I am witness, I can officiate that he is your consort, however", again he turned his attention toward the sight of the pitiful boy.

"This state of affairs has most definitely and will continue to, garner more scrutiny by both nobility and commoners. It is likely, given his background too. So it's imperative we handle this traditionally too. Some of the kings - yours included - are waiting for a weakness. This won't be it. "

"He will not be castrated", Ares' voice spiked and rumbled through the room but still failed to wake the boy. "I don't care if I become the talk of some nobles useless social circle."

Rather than fearful Corian arose as irritated, "It is something you have to consider!" he snarled back. He then whispered as if remembering someone was sleeping. "Claiming' him wasn't enough. There can never be doubt of your successor. In spite of whom it involves. It is this kingdoms tradition. Be it social or political, those hungry dogs will eat one another just to touch your throne"

Ares' bloodline is well-known, even amongst few of the common folk. It is this way because of two main things, first being their hair. A very special likeliness that is entirely unique to them, many believe them to be blessed by the Gods. The second reason was that they produce offspring's of only a male gender.

This prompted Ares to sneer after Corian, he mentions successor even after the current state and lack thereof concubines.

Corian knew where his laugh was aimed and responded to that, "They have been forgiven",he reminded.

Ares tilted his head bemused, "by who's will?" he countered, as if it were his own choosing his 'concubines' wouldn't be above ground.

Corians eyes remained on Sera much longer than necessary. "As an emperor a constant influx of concubines and consorts are a necessity in order to produce a hire..."

"Get out", Ares dismissed cold and commanding, he stood losing all visible signs stoicism.

Corian shrugged with a sore smile; it was still a bad subject. "It seems as though you were too harsh on the boy, he's bleeding far too much." Sliding down the boy's thigh was the remains of Ares' seed mixed with an increasing amount of blood.

Ares swiftly moved to the boys side, he saw the tail of blood flowing down his thigh. It was more than he'd realised, he touched the boys cheek; it was stone cold. He still drew breath, but didn't open his eyes, shiver or move; nothing indicating his conscious state.

Corian watched quietly taking careful note of the care Ares showed his 'now' consort.

"Leave immediately" Ares bellowed.

Corian sighed before heading out, displaying his obvious disappointment of being dismissed. In spite of his surging curiosity he followed his Kings orders.

Ares stroked the boys cheek softly, then held his hand gently. "I am conscious of my own actions. Even if It hurt you, even if what I did humiliated you..." he paused and looked at the boy carefully "I cant find myself truly repenting for it."

It was his truth, through much searching he remained empty no remorse not even sorrow.
Perhaps he desired the boy so, because he is someone so different from him, yet he could also call him an equal.

But what he thought he felt didn't matter, with pressure on all sides both his crown court and kingdoms court, he was forced to make a move; with haste. Each side he knew was as conniving as the other, serving their own interests, each quipped with their own set of various schemes. As for what they were planning he didn't know.

For a long time, he had made no opportunity for them to slip past him. But Sera's presence alone has flipped that entirely on its head. One way or some other they knew that Sera held some sort of key to his weakness; if not himself being exactly that.

The unpredictability of the boy as an unknown entity is an opportunity in itself. Hence their lack of rejection toward his presence, no one in his court had pure straightforward intentions, every action was power-play; a game move.

What he done to Sera was intended as both a power move and a punishment to the boy. That he couldn't deny. And strangely even after this he still felt nothing. His passion was intact, his rage too but not much else.

Only the emptiness remained constant, "...So hate me" he said with a somber tone. He spoke no words of comfort or sentiment. That would be a lie and those intentions were foreign to him.

Without any indication Sera's eyes flickered open, already heated forebodingly. They eerily flickered between pink and red. Eventually landing on a dripping red glow. His face held no expression.

At the same time the room dropped massively in temperature, so much so Ares could see his breath now before him. 

well then I'm going into hiding again...

Honestly though thanks for reading as always and what do we think Sera's going  to do??? 

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