The Drunkard Who Hits

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" H-how dare y-you, you little bas-bastard !" slurred Abusive Bitch, as she smashed a beer bottle over Izuku's head. "I am y-your mother, sshow m-me sssome resspect!" 

Izuku scoffed, uncaring of his injuries or the drunken state of his egg donor. 

"Shut up you hag. You've done nothing to earn that title. Yeah, you brought me to this world, but that's only because Mr. I-Abandon-They-Who-Can't-Benefit-Me fucked you hard enough to leave you pregnant. I don't give a shit what you want, so fuck off and leave me alone." That earned him another smash to the head, one which he could've prevented easily, but chose not to. 

It wasn't worth it. He would go through a bit of pain, but with his Quirk, it wasn't Iike she could kill him unless she maimed him too fast for him to react to. And that was quite unlikely, given that outside the house, she acted like a law abiding upstanding citizen.

He honestly didn't get how she could be so two-faced. Then again, he did have two separate identities as well. Huh, maybe he actually had some of her genes. Damn, that was depressing. 

After a few more hits, a few more broken bones and bruises, his 'mother' finaly passed out, and Izuku stood up, staring at his mother emotionlessly as his bones snapped back together and his bruises faded, not even flinching despite the pain he felt. 

Yes, they did Iook alike, with their green hair and eyes, and short stature. But, well, that was it. Everything else was different; their temperament, their intelligence, everything. She was no different than a stranger to him. A stranger that gave him half the genes he had. That was her onlv contribution to his life aftar all.

He brushed himself free of the glass pieces, then stood up, walking to the front door, and walking out. He didn't care that his uniform was bloody and battered, nor that his hair still had some glass in it, and continued walking, ignoring the looks he got. 

Everybody in the neighbourhood and their parents knew that Midoriya Inko was abusive. 

Everybody in the neighbourhood, their parents, their friends AND their children knew that Midoriya Izuku was Quirkless, albeit falsely. So, it didn't come as a surprise that the boy was in such a state for the umpteenth time that month. 

It was normal. A morbid, disgusting type of normal, but normal nonetheless. Even the friendly neighbourhood Pros knew about it, but nobody did anything about it. It wasn't their problem after all.  Humans were selfish like that. 

This had been one of the many things that caused Izuku's mistrust towards Pro Heroes. They were payed to save people, but only saved pcople if there was any benefit for them.  Midoriya Izuku was a Quirkless boy from a rniddle-class family. There was no benefit in saving him, and he knew that as well.

Well, that was life. All men were not born equal, despite the claim.

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