The Trust Between Them

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Izuku actually didn't tell him much, just the bare minimum. While they might get along, his secrets could be used as leverage, so both Izuku and Nedzu usually refrained themselves from telling such information.

What Nedzu knew was that his father had abandoned him with his mother after he had been diagnosed Quirkless, and his mother had abused him until he moved out a few years ago.

He also told the rat that he knew about his father's identity because of all the hacking he did, and that after he learned he had gone to search for them, thus meeting his step-brother.

They were half-truths, but truthful enough, so Nedzu let him be.

Not like Izuku would tell him anything more even if he threatened him or anything.

In return for the information, Nedzu invited him to the school once more, as he had tried many times before, and was once again declined.

So instead, he gave him some information that only existed on paper, and not digitally, so one he could not hack to find.

It was about All Might and his injury.

This showed how much trust Nedzu had in him not to use information selfishly, but his actions to his step-brother, could have also affected them.

He was obviously not taking sides. Yes, he was more inclined to heroism, but he was still neutral.

Izuku knew that Nedzu knew he was grateful to heroes for saving people.

Nedzu also knew that Izuku had information all about the corrupted side of Pro Heroism, and disliked the job because of it.

Izuku never showed displeasure to seeing Heroism, if they prioritised the victims safety. As long as they saved people, their views were irrelevant.

But as soon as they started committing crimes, even the smallest ones, he immediately turned on them and did everything he possibly could to get them arrested.

Izuku believed in justice, whether it be in the hands of the government, or the hands of victims.

So if someone managed not to get charged, any crime commited he would dig out and place in the hands of the victims, on the condition that they didn't kill the fallen hero.

And so, their exchange was done, and they were back to how they were before.

Well, almost exactly the way they were.

Nedzu wanted to clear up misunderstandings between him and the staff, so he decided to finally introduce them.


The staff room was full when the door opened, all eyes turning to the ones entering.

Nedzu stood on Deku's shoulder with a grin.

"Hello, my fellow heroes. You have all seen my friend Deku here before, right? I've come to introduce him to you now!" he said cheerily.

Aizawa spoke up.

"Aren't his father and brother villains? Do you still trust him with the connections he has?"

Deku, who was sizing them up, lowered his mask with a sigh, and pulled off his beanie, curly hair springing up immediately, extra fluffy from all the frizz.

"The name's Midoriya Izuku." he told them as most gaped at his age. "And believe me, I want those bastards caught much more than you."

Midnight got up, and immediately ran to him, squeezing his cheeks and squealing in delight.

"I knew you were young but not this much! And you're so cute!" she cried out.

Izuku scowled and swatted her hand away.

The Secret Life Of A Not-So-Useless Deku // A Vigilante Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now