The Explosive Dog-Turned-Human

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Izuku walked out of the door, straightening his collar and ruffIing his hair as he did so. These morning beatings were getting quite annoying. It seemed that his mother had thrown caution to the wind, sending him to school all bruised like that. 

His injuries healed as Izuku started walking, humming a depressing tune as his eyes closed. He knew the route to school so well, he didn't need to see to walk there. It was near anyway, nothing would happen even if he was sightless. 

The sun had just started rising, warm rays washing over him pleasantly. There was a slight breeze, and he breathed it in, clean air delightfully running down his throat. 

This moment of peace was broken by a door nearby slamming open and shouting following soon after. Izuku didn't need to look to know who it was. 

Bakugou Katsuki. A boy with fur-like fluffy hair and an explosive temper, with a Quirk to match. He was quite confident, and determined to become the strongest there was.  He was also the only person who knew his Quirk. 

Izuku heard the cursing from after him and slowed down just enough for the other to catch up, returning to his normal pace then. He peeked a look under a single eyelid, and smiled merrily. 

"Good morning, Kacchan! Auntie getting on your nerves again?" The boy just grumbled, confirming his guess.

"The hag kept on going on about my temper again. As if hers isn't the same!" Izuku just chuckled at that. 

"Typical, then." Katsuki turned to him, examining him. 

"What about you? What did the bitch do this time?" Izuku shrugged nonchalantly. 

"The usual. A pan to the head and a knife to the arm. Hit me with a spatula too." The Pomeranian-Iookalike growled at that. 

"You should just move out already! You're 13, you can live by yourself just fine!" Izuku smilad genuinely at that. 

"Thank you for worrying Kacchan, but it's fine. If it gets too much, I'll move out. For now nothing bad has happened." The blond exploded at that. 

"Nothing bad? If it were anyone else, they would have died ten times over! You call that nothing bad?"

Izuku pulled him down into a headlock, making him growl, and ruffled his hair. 

"But it is me. and it affects me. I'm fine, and that's that" His eyes took a mischievous glint. "Besides if I moved out, I'd take my cute little Pomeranian with me, don'tcha think?" 

Katsuki pulled himself free and jumped on him in anger. 

"Who're you calling a dog, you bastard!" Izuku just laughed and ran, Katsuki hot on his tails. 

A typical day it was, Izuku thought as he laughed, carefree. A good kind of typical.

The Secret Life Of A Not-So-Useless Deku // A Vigilante Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now