Why Doesn't Katsuki Recognize The Name Deku?? - An Informative Chapter

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Yup, another one. Fuck.

How does Katsuki not realize that Izuku is Deku if he was the one who made up the nickname?

Answer: He didn't.

Izuku realized at an early age that the Kanji in his name could be read in a different way, but as it was derogatory, he never really told anyone, unwilling to be teased for it.

Because he told Katsuki as soon as he got his Quirk that he was feigning Quirkless was, Katsuki never made up the nickname, and the other people their age didn't have enough knowledge about Kanji to make it up.

And when they grew up and realized Izuku could be read as 'Useless', they couldn't call Izuku that, because Katsuki was very protective of him, fighting whoever even teased him slightly.

So the name 'Deku' faded from existence, never to be used.

And Katsuki never actually used the name, so he doesn't notice the connection between the name and Izuku.

There! That felt like a short story or something, well, it was like a filler...

Yeah, anyway, hope this satisfies you! Have a great day/night!

Thanks for the support, and please tell me about anything I can improve!

See you next time,

~Blondie | shutiitt_real

The Secret Life Of A Not-So-Useless Deku // A Vigilante Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now