Ch 22. A Rivaling Evolution

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~Route 215~

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~Route 215~

     Isaiah could feel the cold stares of the nocturnal Pokémon all around him. He went to train Dratini at the daycare before they headed for Veilstone City. Alisha even joined in for a few sessions after falling prey to Isaiah's persuasion. Once again, he lost track of time and they decided to venture at night for the first time.

The faint wind breeze and cool climate made their night traveling more calming than they originally thought. Naturally, they only traveled during the day and rested at night.

"Alisha?" Isaiah kept walking, waiting for a response. Alisha strolled in silence behind him, occasionally humming to her music. Isaiah turned around and flailed his arms about to get her attention.

She pulled out one of her earbuds, "yeah?"

Isaiah slowed down until they were almost shoulder to shoulder. He nervously wiped the back of his neck before choosing his words carefully.

"I know you're probably upset, "  he started.

"Why would I be? Sure we lost track of time, but route 215 has been really relaxing, "  she replied.

Isaiah couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or serious. Alisha wanted to push for Veilstone soon after exploring the ruins. If it wasn't for Isaiah's bad time management, they would've arrived in Veilstone City an hour ago.

They continued north of Socaleon Town until they made a quick pit stop at the cafe halfway through the route. Alisha ordered a moomoo milkshake for two, while Isaiah sat in the booth scrolling through his phone.

He placed his phone on the table to relieve her of the shakes once she got closer to the table. Alisha sat on the opposite side, giving only a slight smile.

"I can't believe you never had a moomoo milkshake before," Alisha said before taking a sip.

Isaiah hesitated before leaning in for a taste. He looked up and smacked his lips repeatedly. Alisha waited for his thoughts, but he just dove back in for three bigger sips.

Alisha snickered, "I guess that means you like it." Isaiah nodded his head with his mouth still on the straw. He popped his head up suddenly grabbing his phone.

"Look at this," he slid his phone over and she caught it quickly.

Alisha held the xtranceiver and noticed she was looking at the rankings for the PBLSA. Her eyes scanned the list and the first 20 trainers hadn't changed at all. Alisha saw her picture earlier than expected, she had moved up five spots to number 25.

"Yes!" She ducked her head and looked around the café. Isaiah laughed and continued drinking his shake.

"Nice, but you still have a long way to go, Alisha," Isaiah said, now halfway through his drink.

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