Enter RaydenFromWR, One Annihilation Nue.

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In the far distant future, technologies are nowdays everyday objects, technologies maintain the survival. Human, and other species work together, to live in peace and harmony. No villains have threatens the peace, or is it. Villains are commonly in many Universes, or Multiverse, heroes of this new era, fought against the villains to halt the threat on all villains.

The heroes were light.

The villains were darkness.

The heroes fight the villains as if the light and darkness fought each other. The light and darkness battles shall be short-lived, maintaining the peace, for all their homes and lives of inhabitants.

A legendary Jackal hero made truce with the 20% of the villains. And they can work together, light and darkness can work together as one, for a short while. As the hero have beliefs of some darkness can be redeemed, and work as friends rather than enemies.

However, there were seven figures of the different species that opposes the idea of the truce that was made long ago, they believe the light and dark cannot go together and had the entire Multiverse's days numbered. The Yin-Yang Armageddon was their fear, where an entity, known as Libra Faust, would destroy the entire place, for their fear have spread across those who believes in it, for the others do not believes in it as they have peace in their worlds, they were wrong, the seven were right. Their fear have come true, and theg have to find a solution to stop the destruction of their homes.

The seven heroes, they utilises magics and danmakus, for they do not need the help with the technologies the others owns, the seven fought to cleanse darkness, and purge the evils. They were said to be the True Heroes that they do the actual right thing about killing off the darkness, and objects the truce between Light and Darkness for they have to stop the greatest threat, Libra Faust, whom it was attracted to the mixed balance of light and dark to destroy.

The seven heroes are set to fight the villains, by slaughtering them and killing the darkness, to truly have peace.

Year 2097 Earth.

It was raining at night, it was crowded with peiple carrying their highly advanced technology umbrellas, trying to find shelter, cities were lighted with advanced signboards and advanced lamp posts. A red haired Inkling Girl, she almost looked shapely as an anime girl, came out of the crowds with some of her shoppings, and have no umbrella, she was drenched in rainwater and not bothered to use anything to cover. Her face expression is eternally emotionless.

Bystander 1: Miss, do you want me to shelter you?

???: Nah, I'm fine... (walks away)

Bystander 1: M'kay...

The girl, walks out of the city and through the streets. She whipped out her phone to see the notification, from one of her friends, she was texted that if she is free to join her friends tomorrow. She texted them back that she would, and continued walking.

???: That was super crowded...

She accidentally bumped into three of humans taller than her.

???: Gah!

Human 1: Son of a- Watch where the hell are you going!

???: ....

Human 2: Are you going to say something?!

???: (lowers her head)

Human 3: You're gonna ignore us?! How ignorant! (Push her a bit)

???: ....

Human 1: I see, she's shy.

Human 2: (reached his hand towards the girl's chest and grabbed the zip)

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