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Foxface in my opinion is most definitely the smartest tribute in the games. She's just an average tribute in strength and skills but she's super smart. Foxface came in 4th place in the books and 5th in the films, she's also the last tribute with a low training score to die,also being the last female to die. We don't know if Foxface volunteered for the games, though she probably didn't Foxface appeared nervous and quiet. She also received a score of 5 which is a pretty average score. She's the only know tribute prior to Katniss and Peeta scoring twelves to score there district's number. Let's not forget she's smart and wouldn't want to risk her life to compete in some stupid games.

She knows all edidle and non edible plants and stole food from the careers. She came up with the best ideas. She ran away from the cornucopia bloodbath, hid at the cornucopia for the feast and didn't get exploded while stealing supplies from the careers giant pyramid.

Foxface survived with no supplies for most of the games. She made herself forgetful and was careful not to be noticed while observing her enemies from afar. She didn't make any enemies, unlike Katniss who actually provocted the careers,and made no allies.

Foxface made no kills proving to not need to kill to survive,even after getting a knife after Katniss exploded the careers supplies .

Foxface died because she ate nightlock, I believe she killed herself. The remaining tributes where Katniss, Peeta, Cato and (Thresh ). All these tributes were very capable of winning and had better odds. I think this is why she killed herself to avoid having a painful death like Cato's. However it is stated that Foxface's body was emaciated so she would have died sooner or later, from lack of food.

Foxface had odds of 7/1. Another know tribute in the arena had odds of 7/1 even if this tribute supposedly trained there hole life for this. Yes Foxface does have to same odds as a career.

Cato, amazing 
Marvel, prepared, 
Clove, god                    Glimmer, not so much

So yeah Glimmer had odds of 7/1 for winning the games. Meening Foxface and Glimmer supposedly had the same odds of winning. Meening a trained career and an average tribute had the same odds of victory.

Foxface is sly cunning  independent and sneaky, like a fox, she could most definitely have won. I think seeing the games for her pov would actually be more interesting than Katniss's.
Ever since I read the book Foxface was always one of the most interesting characters being extremely different from the others. Foxface indeed proved that no weapons can match a brain.
Insert Caeser Flickerman's voice :Score of 7

(Out of 10 not 12)

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