An Assassin is Born

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  • Dedicated to All my fans!

SHOUT OUT: Thanks to AlecJett4eva for doing a awesome job on the cover!

Sorry to anyone who I did not choose for the cover! Some I could not find anywhere so i ended up choosing the first one that had my requirements: If you used Josephine on the cover she had to have red hair and green eyes. I loved all of yours!


Prologue- An Assassin is Born

I was brought up to be a Lady. My life was already planned out even to the smallest detail: I would marry a noble, bear three sons, and die a old maid while my husband sneaks to his room with his young mistresses. I never minded the future I was dealt in life , for it was the only thing I knew after all. However, one day all of the things that I could count on were changed, and replaced by a need...a need to kill

8 years earlier:

"Mama! Mama! My petticoats are not quite right! The maid..." Josephine paused looking around the room

"Mama?" Suddenly something appeared out of the corner of her eye. What was it? Inching around the edge of the bed Josephine looked around the corner, just in time to see a assassin in a black mask plunge a knife into her mother's heart.

"Mama!" Scrounging up the little bit of courage ten year old Josephine had, she ran at her mother's attacker. Josephine kicked at the assassin with all her strength and screamed bloody murder, but all the assassin did was smile wickedly and put a finger to his lips while saying the seven small words that would change Josephine's life forever.

"To late little one, she is dead." With one last glance the assassin ran into the night with his knife glinting and dripping her mother's blood.

"No!" Finally falling to her knees beside her mother Josephine felt one tear trickle down her face. Josephine's anger came in bursts of unintelligible screams and slowly she was losing the very thing that made her human, mercy. Her mother the one who cradled her, sung her to asleep, gave her life, and loved her without hesitation...was gone.


Edited February 22, 2011

Lady Josephine: Armed and ready to kill (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now