A Genius is Truly Superior

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Shikamaru wasn't anything bright or shiny. Nothing that warranted a third glance if he even received a second one, he thought he was plain and dare he even say boring. His life was mundane nothing special happened.

He woke up, played Shogi with his father. Took another nap, watched the clouds and went back to sleep. Some days he would hang out with Choji and head to class but other than that he ran his life the exact same way every time.

Then the day where they would find their soulmates, he was actually not excited. He obviously needed an heir that wasn't a problem, the problem was he was going to get somebody only interested in his clan status. He was the second best clan in the village with Uchiha being first and Hyuga being third.

They knew people were gunning to be his soulmate, and he was going to be annoyed by the ruckus that's was sure to be caused by the class when they believed somebody ended up with him who didn't need to be with him.

He filled out each question, knowing what it all meant because he was nothing short of a genius, and his dad helped him get a grasp of his sexuality at a very young age.

He knew that whoever he was paired up with had to have had the ability to have a child, and would be.... how could Shikamaru put this in a good way.

They Would Be Troublesome.

He already knew his soulmate was going to be a handful, he didn't mind, as long as his soulmate was happy with him. He didn't care how troublesome they would be.

So when he was called out last, his was paired with Naruto. Strange he doesn't remember Naruto ever being as quiet as he was, he was usually flirting with Sakura. Which he could only assume was to keep his real sexuality at bay.

He was also loud, declaring that things were unfair and that he didn't understand the most simplest of tasks. Yet he was quiet and filled things out today like he had known all along what it was.

Sleeping loudly in the class making even Iruka annoyed and today he didn't sleep once. He stared out the window in thought as if today's test was eating him alive and then Shikamaru noticed the glares.

Everybody despised him, everybody hated Naruto and they thought he wasn't good enough to be with Shikamaru, so much so Naruto ran out of the class, and it looked as if he was close to tears. Shikamaru felt like he had to chase him, but students covered him and spoke.

"I'm so sorry that demon is your soulmate."

"You can join our relationship if you want."

"Yeah, you can always try your luck with the ones that are still unmated in the system."

Shikamaru looked at the students who said that. Sakura, Ino and even Choji. Yet they received head nods from everybody in this class excluding Iruka. He looked sympathetic like he wanted to calm Naruto down.

"You all are rude, so disrespectful I don't want to talk to any of you until you all reevaluate your thinking." Shikamaru said which made the class stunned and looked at him.

"So what he wasn't raised like us? He had no parents! So what he carried the nine tails? It's for our safety anyways? So what he's brash and loud and a little of an idiot! So is Kiba but you all tolerate him!" Shikamaru was mad, livid. How could they judge Naruto for something he had no control over?

He hadn't gone out of his way to talk to him, but Shikamaru knew that Naruto knew if Naruto wanted to talk to him, Shikamaru would've answered, and they could have even been friends.

Yet that was just how troublesome his future wife was going to be, and above all Shikamaru would make sure Naruto knows he will at least try in this relationship.

"You all are rude and if you can't find it in your cold hearted heart to see the error of your ways. Then do not talk to me." Shikamaru stormed out of the classroom watching as his friends or what he used called them, looked around at one another and grumbled before leaving with their soulmates to get to know one another.

They would marry at fifteen if they loved one another.

Shikamaru slammed his front door open, going into the kitchen, ignoring his mother and fathers glance as to why their son was in the kitchen gathering left overs and placing them into a big box.

Something told Shikamaru that his soulmate didn't eat, a nagging and annoying feeling but he would do every troublesome act for the dual colored haired teen.

"Troublesome! So damn troublesome." Shikamaru said as he carried a box and looked to his father. He hadn't said anything but just the look made his father kiss his wife on the cheek and promised that they would be right back.

He followed his son out the house waiting for him to talk while he struggled a little with the box. He had offered to carry the box which made Shikamaru click his teeth.

"Okay so where are we heading with food to last about two weeks?" Shikamaru noticed the looks he received, all basically saying that they know who his soulmate is and they are feeling sad for him.

"I hate this." Shikamaru said and Shikaku noticed the looks, a frown etched itself onto the older Nara's face. He knew who was his sons soulmate, and applauded his son for not being like the others but this was going to be hard.

To love a person who was used to getting nothing in this world.

"How do you know where he lives?" Shikaku asked his child who only spoke that he was being pulled to him. True mate actually feel the pull, and it's only intensified if in extreme distress but Shikamaru doesn't look anxious.

Just so damn upset.

They reached a door and Shikamaru contemplated whether he should walk right in or knock and so he knocked. He heard footsteps before a person opened the door hoping it wasn't anybody ready to kill him for being matched with Shikamaru.

The door opened and the blonde and red haired teen hair was all over his face, Ink on his cheek and he looked to have been crying. Shikamaru knew he was crying.

"I bought you some stuff, it's heavy so can I set it on the counter?" Naruto was shocked though he nodded and opened the door. Shikamaru walked in but his father stayed outside.

"Sorry about the mess, I bury myself in seals when I'm upset." Shikamaru has started loading the food into the fridge, the drinks and even had some food heating up for him.

"Look I don't care about the villagers or our classmates. Let's figure out if we are good together." Naruto sat at the table and watched as Shikamaru looked around his kitchen for a chopstick finding a pair that was dusty. He washed it off before placing it in a bowl of miso ramen. Placing the bowl down Naruto looked at him.

"Eat, and don't cry. If you need me to stay I'll stay. If you want to come back home with me I'll wait until you are finished eating. You can talk to me, and I'll listen." Naruto looked down at his food and nodded.

"So let's hang out soon." Shikamaru said softly and Naruto sighed and spoke.

"Okay," he said softly and Shikamaru patted his head.

"Make sure you eat. Don't let my food go to waste." Naruto smiled softly as Shikamaru walked towards the door.

"Thanks Shikamaru." Shikamaru smiled and spoke his face still facing the door.

"Of course Naruto." Shikamaru mood did a huge 180 and Shikaku noticed as his son held a small smile.


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