Clan Meetings and Headaches

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Naruto stood by Yoshino as the clan heads seemed to yell at one another. Naruto was really annoyed and he wanted to sit in the corner and draft some seals, but he had to pay attention because apparently the future of their child rested in this argument. Shikamaru was hardly in a good mood, his shadows was thrashing wildly around him.

Nobody but Naruto could calm him down but said mate was being held back by his mother. Yet he was basically itching for some contact from Shikamaru. It made his skin crawl seeing him so upset.

"We've been having this discussion for a month. Me and Naruto are relationship is progressing into actually being married. You won't let us break the alliance, but you don't like the idea of me and Naruto's HUMAN child to be on a team with your children." Shikamaru said angrily.

He looked to be so sick of saying the same statement over and over which involved them trying to explain why they thought they could chose who the hell he could and couldn't be with?

It was his life, and he had chosen to be with somebody as caring and understanding as Naruto, so he is confused as to why two 'comrades' were declaring that Naruto couldn't possibly be his true soulmate.

He was an Elite, somebody who needed to have a more suitable mate who wasn't the last of their clan and about to die.

"Explain. I'm curious as to what excuse your are going to pull from your ass." Shikamaru spoke and Choza spoke.

"Don't talk to my son like he's some sort of monster." Shikamaru shrugged and leaned back.

"He is. Naruto wouldn't hurt anybody if it wasn't for the sake of the village. Yet here we are sitting here talking about somebody who always has Ink on their face." Naruto rolled his eyes, Sorry he got too invested in his seals and turned half of his brain off and only kept
The half that allowed him to draft up any seal without any practice on.

"You are really going to call us the monsters?" Ino asked, she hadn't said anything in this meeting. She didn't have a problem with Naruto and Shikamaru being together, her and Sai were finding their own way, however.

She still didn't trust him. How could she know that he wasn't going to go berserk and kill them? She was only worried for Shikamaru's safety.

She watched as Shikamaru stared at her boredly, his slanted eyes always made her swoon and even though she is trying with her soulmate, those eyes would haunt her nightmares.

"What's the matter? Don't like being called something you aren't? That's exactly how Naruto's feels."

A hush fell among everybody and this is the part where Shikamaru would call checkmate.

Realization seemed to dawn that this is exactly why Shikamaru wants people to think before they speak. He couldn't believe these two clans wasn't smart. Honestly him and Naruto aren't going to conceived a child that will be stupid.

"Naruto took the IQ test with my clan, much like every spouse has too before they get married into the clan. It's mandatory to produce smart children that both parents are smart or borderline genius." Shikamaru started, and Naruto wanted to close his eyes.

He felt a headache coming along. Not that it was about this meeting, but the noises and the yelling seemed to be making it worse.

"My IQ is 215. That's a given, that's a fact. Naruto's IQ however is a strong 190." Shikamaru hummed.

"Naruto is smarter than anybody outside of my clan, and even smarter than the ones that married into it. So what's the problem? Are we concerned about my safety? About the Kyuubi not being able to be tamed by the Nara clan should something happen?" That's when Ino's father decided to speak.

"Nobody but an Uchiha could control the tailed beast. Their eyes could stop the demon in its tracks, but what can your clan do to make sure the Kyuubi doesn't reek havoc." Naruto stepped out of Yoshino'a arms.

He walked to Shikamaru but his head was pounding, but he had to say this. He had to get this all off his chest, and leave this meeting.

"You know, the Tailed beast used to only be carried by the Uzumaki clan for that reason right?" Naruto said calmly, everybody looked at him.

"Ask your Kage. The Uzumaki's were in charge of making sure each tailed beast wasn't being controlled but soothe. That why Kurama is calm because he was sealed into me for fourteen years, our chakra circled around and while I can make violent chakra calm, Kurama cannot make calm chakra violent." Naruto really liked that Hizuren told him about his heritage.

Now he should really tell the village.

"So you have a clan that had their own land. Who took up an entire island dedicated to making sure the tailed beast were soothe and not destructive. Yet people are power hungry. They invaded the land and stole the Jinchuriki. Unsealed them and let the reek havoc in the lands." Naruto was super unsteady on his feet and Shikamaru looked up to him.

"You don't look too good. Are you getting sick?" Shikamaru asked but Naruto shook his head.

"So yes the Uchiha's eyes are developed. They can control the tailed beast and make them do their bidding. While me as an Uzumaki can soothe them, I can make them nonviolent. I think before any decision is made, you look into my clan. I think that is what is driving the argument." Naruto nodded and sat down and closed his eyes.

"I feel like learning more about what my clan accomplished and can do will show you all just how ideal me and Shikamaru together really is." Naruto closed his eyes and felt relieved when he didn't experience his excruciating headache.

"So next meeting we'll ask the Hokage to stop by. Talk about the Uzumaki clan and go from there." Shikaku said, he had been quiet during all this, but that was only because Shikamaru got really annoyed when Naruto was brought up and it wasn't good.

"I suppose we could do that. I'm quite interested in seeing if it's true." Inoichi said and Shikamaru was ready to kill everybody but he calmed down.

"I'm leaving." Shikamaru said picking Naruto sleeping body up, and he shook his head.

"Mom did he eat this morning?" Yoshino smiled before she spoke.

"He complained of a headache. I just think he's been sleeping." Shikamaru sighed and nodded.

"Let's get you in bed then. There might be some painkillers at the house." Shikamaru left carrying Naruto while everybody just watched them.

A feeling Shikamaru got used too but he wonders if they would ever stop staring at him. He's happy and Naruto is happy and his clan his happy so why does everybody else not want to be happy?

When he laid Naruto in the bed he joined him immediately not liking how he was sweating and his eyes scrunched together. Shikamaru placed Naruto's head on his chest and soothed out his hair, lacing his hands in the different colored hair.

"I really love you Naruto. I would go to the ends of this earth to make sure you are happy." Naruto moaned in pain but his face was in a calm sleeping expression and it's was probably because Shikamaru was pampering the boy.

"Get well soon." Shikamaru said as he planted a kiss to his forehead and drifted to sleep with him.


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