The Strongest Clan

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Shikamaru and Naruto were walking to the Hokage tower.  They had a mission but it would seem that they were stopped by a crowd of people. By a crowd it was the entire village. Shikamaru wanted to push his way through the crowd but Naruto offered to take to the roofs like other ninjas.

"You see, you really are smart." Naruto chuckled and they went to the roofs. They noticed their academy class was there, all holding hands and all looking forward at the Hokage tower.

Shikamaru and Naruto stood further back, curious as to what was happening. It seemed to be just a village meeting, probably about taxes and what not. Yet then Hiruzen was led by the Sannin and two doctors and even the elders.

Whatever was about to be said was just as important that them telling the village about the Kyuubi. Naruto hummed and leaned into Shikamaru as the meeting went underway.

There was a woman that walked up last. She had beautiful red hair, and she looked to be so old. Her eyes scanned the village but landed immediately on Naruto's, she waved and Naruto waved back. Shikamaru looked at Naruto and Naruto spoke.

"I have no idea who she is, but she looks like my mother." The woman took the Podium and she smiled softly.

"Naruto, won't you come to grandma?" Naruto stood there with Shikamaru, looking just as crazy as the eyes looked for the boy.

"Naruto." Shikamaru called and Naruto shrugged.

"Let's go." So as Naruto was heading to the woman she explained herself.

"My name is Suyi Uzumaki. I'm Kushina's Uzumaki mother which would make me Naruto Uzumaki Grandmother." The crowd looked at the woman.

"I was called here by Hiruzen to tell you all about my clan, because apparently you all have shunned my grandchild, because of the kind work he is doing." Suyi then went to explain the clan in detail.

Exactly what Shikamaru had said about the clan to everybody. He was a genius though and often did his research and when she stepped away a male named Danzo stepped up.

"That is true, and the fact that we haven't recognized the Uzumaki as the great clan was because of how they were almost wiped from existence. Though it took three villages invading for it to happen." Danzo sighed and tapped his cane.

"The Uzumaki is the strongest and best clan to ever have lived. We thought by telling you that the child of our savior and Kushina was the host for the nine tails that you all would see how special he is." Danzo said and then Hiruzen sighed.

"Though you all shunned him and hated him, made him live off of chakra for fourteen years before he found his soulmate and you all tried to make it even harder for them to be together." Jiraiya spoke after him.

"You know Minato would be upset that you've all caused his child pain and suffering, and if you don't believe that this child is Kushina's and his, then we came prepared."

Paper being tossed and scattered in the wind, everybody grabbed a piece of paper and started reading it over while Naruto finally landed on the top of the tower. He walked passed everybody to his grandmother who smiled up at him. How old people grew shorter, but he looked at the woman.

"Hello, nice to meet you. Where were you hiding at?" Naruto asked kissing the woman on her forehead. She smiled and they started talking, while the village was questioning why the higher ups would keep it a secret.

"I was being taken care of by Tsunade. That woman was the only one Kushina confided in about the clan and her pregnancy. I couldn't watch you because I'm ill, any day could be my last day and that's something that's hard for a child to go through." Naruto's smiles at the woman.

"It's fine, this is my soulmate Shikamaru. He's the best man in the lands." Naruto said and Shikamaru scoffed.

"I'm not the best, Naruto is just worth the trouble." Suyi chuckled a little.

"You've managed to snag a Nara? You are truly lucky my child. The Nara's are a good clan." Naruto smiled.

"They are the best, they loved me even when I didn't love me. For my faults and everything." Shikamaru chimes in.

"Ink on the face is an adorable sight."

"Naruto would you like to say some words?" Naruto tore away from his grandmother to the people who stood at the podium. Shikamaru ushered him to go but he didn't want to go alone.

"I'm in the seal. Go on."

So he went and he stood at the podium and he fixed a smile to his face and said the words everybody didn't think he was going to say.

"I forgive you all." The crowd gasped, and Naruto sighed and placed his hand on his cheek.

"Really, everybody is at fault here. Not just you all. The village leaking my status while you are were still grieving over your loses was a bad move." Naruto started and Shikamaru started laughing, against his better judgement.

"Then you all condemning a child for something they had no say in. The not selling him food, orange jumpsuits and calling him monster and demon." Naruto sighed.

"Don't even get started on how my classmates and clan heads treated a child they know was only the carrier for the nine tails so let's not weight the burden of what you've all done. Because this village fucked up too ya know." By now Shikamaru was being out right loud, his laughing made Naruto's grandmother chuckle.

"However I'm not a demon or a monster and Kurama isn't a monster. He was controlled to attack, and he isn't even at fault either. So let's all start a new and Introduce ourselves and I'll go first." Naruto ties his hair up and spoke.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Nara, and my likes include Kurama, Shikamaru and the Nara clan. I enjoy being surrounded by seals and Shikamaru and my dream is to happy and the best sealer in the lands!" Naruto said and the village broke out into applause, Naruto gave them a true Uzumaki smile and Shikamaru wrapped his arms around Naruto and smiled.

"How long did it take? You should've been recognized." Shikamaru said and Naruto leaned up and smiled.

"Hey we haven't had our first kiss right?" Shikamaru looked down and spoke.

"We haven't." Naruto smile didn't waiver but he did lean up and pucker his lips, which made Shikamaru smile and kiss him. The duo lost in their own worlds as they shared their kiss together.

After ten months of being together. Through all the up and down and test of tribulation. He was able to kiss his future husband, even if it was in front of the entire village nobody cared and the cheering seemed to drown out around them, and when they pulled away Naruto gave his signature smile and spoke.

"Lunch and seals?" Shikamaru only chuckled a lot before scooping Naruto up and twirling him around, hearing his laughter before placing him down.

"If we aren't needed at the tower, the yes." Hizuren spoke to the duo.

"No missions today, so go enjoy your date." Naruto smiled and took Shikamaru home, kissing his grandmother on her forehead and pulling his boyfriend along who only chuckled.

"Troublesome princess."

Not me writing this at almost 5 in the morning and no sleep. 💀

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