The Best Seal Ever Drafted

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"Ooh team ten has the monster."

"Sucks to be them."

"Haha Ino-pig!"

"I'm sure he would go crazy on the mission."

"Tch how did he even pass?"

"I have to be on a team with Naruto? What's the point?" Ino said to Iruka when he listed the teams. Naruto wasn't even paying attention. He has learned to tune them out and focus on his seal at any given moment. It was true he was so close to a breakthrough on his seals, so much so that Shikamaru had stopped talking to him and decided to just watch him work.

"The point is because he has to be with his soulmate because teens like you all would harass him, he wouldn't get the proper training he needs, and you all would think you are superior to him when you aren't." Shikamaru said, as he looked down at Ino. She turned her head and realized the gaze she was receiving and scoffed.

"You know what, how about we do this. How about you all stop talking about my soulmate or I'll just injure you all? You wanna call somebody a monster." Shikamaru stood up, took his hair from his holder, he snapped his fingers and his shadows swirled at his feet and he folded his arms.

"My shadows don't manifest as those before me. It doesnt react to the light but based on how I'm feeling and..." soon the room was dark, aside from Naruto's using a fireball to light up his seal.

He was still not paying attention.

"So call me a monster for being able to defy the logics of my clan. Because y'all so called monster is working on seals with Ink on his cheek ignoring y'all anyways." Shikamaru said and Nobody at said anything.

Soon Shikamaru takes his shadows and put his hair back up, and looked at the class.

"I hear anything else about my soulmate, I will not hesitate to strangle you." Shikamaru said sitting down, and Naruto's fireball went away. Total concentration on a seal that seemed to occupy his attention, Shikamaru wasn't even sure what he was working on.

The class went quiet, everybody looked at Naruto to see him in deep concentration, and saw that he really was just a messy teenager with ink on his face that adored seals and doesn't look like he could harm anybody.

But he's carrying the nine tails?

Did his chakra some how nullify the demonic chakra and that's why he was able to still be bubble and calm or is he resisting the urge to fall within the demons grasped, or is the demon even really the enemy.

Now their thinking had to be expanded, much like Shikamaru had told them about six months ago. However now they were actually thinking about doing it.

"You didn't have to come." A gruff voice said, coming and smoking a cigarette. He was picking up his Genin when this Sannin decided to follow him.

"I did. That child was drafting a strange seal. I wanted to ask him what it was." The man nodded as the approached the academy, other Jounin were there to pick up their Genin but stopped at the door. It seemed nobody wanted to be first so the cigarette man and the Sannin opened the door only to be greeted with a happy smile and a chair sliding out.

"I FINISHED IT. You wanna see Shikamaru? Please say yes." Naruto begged and Shikamaru smiled.

"Of course I do. What is this one?" Naruto chuckled and placed it on top of his seal, everybody tilted their heads and watched as the room glowed red, and then chakra shot out and then it calmed.

Everybody opened their eyes to see a fox with a collar standing next to Naruto. Naruto eyes widened and he tossed himself on the fox.

"Get off you brat!" Naruto smiled and everybody but the Sannin was confused as to what happened.

"So I know everybody pretty much hates me because I carry Kurama, and Kurama hates being in the seal so I made a seal to where he could roam but he was still bounded to me that's why he's wearing a collar." Shikamaru smiled while everybody else looked shocked but the Sannin held a source of pride.

"Hello Kurama. Nice to finally meet you." Kurama scoffed.

"Get your mate off of me." Naruto frowned.

"You don't love me anymore Kurama?" Kurama clicked his teeth and Shikamaru chuckled. Naruto did get off but looked to his class.

"Would you all like to meet Kurama. He won't bite." Naruto said and Kurama spoke.

"I might I'd you all hurt Naruto again." Though the classroom was really excited. They had never seen a tailed beast and this one looked to be so calm. So Kurama was soon surrounded by people and Shikamaru tossed his arm around Naruto leaning his head on Naruto's.

"How long did it take for you to analyze that seal, come up with. A counter seal, and then execute it perfectly?" Shikamaru asked, watching as Kurama chased Sasuke around once he said he was an Uchiha, making shy Hinata come to his defense.

"Three days." Naruto said truthfully and Shikamaru knew Naruto was a genius, though the people standing at the doorway didn't know he was that adept in sealing.

"You should take an IQ year with me. Us Nara's have to take one every year, just to see if our thinking keeps evolving with age or stops. Take the next one with me?" Naruto's watched as Kurama came strolling back to them and he smiled.

"Absolutely." Kurama huffed and sat next to Naruto.

"Everybody but the Uchiha was bearable." Naruto smiled.

"He isn't his ancestor Kurama. Give him a try." Kurama scoffed but the man took that time to announce his presence.

"Team ten, follow us."

Team ten followed the two men, Shikamaru and Naruto holding hands and Kurama walking next to them. They reached a training ground and they sat down. Kurama laying in the lap of Naruto as the man spoke.

"I'm Asuma Satutobi. My Likes include Kurenai, Kakashi and my father. My dislikes are people who hate children, and people who bully people. My dream is to settle down and have kids."

"Me next! I'm Ino Yamanaka, my likes include shopping and gardening. My dislikes are hardly anything anymore. My dream is to have children and be the best Kuniochi."

"I suppose I'll go. I'm Choji Akimichi. My likes include eating and Karui. I dislike when people call me fat or say I eat too much. My dream is to make the best food in the lands."

Naruto and Shikamaru shared a look before speaking.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, my likes include the Nara clan, Shikamaru, seals and Kurama. My dislikes including crying and my panic attacks that I sometimes have. My dream is to have the village acknowledge me that I'm not a demon but a human with human emotions." Naruto said calmly, and Kurama hummed and sent some warm chakra around Naruto's pathways.

"I'm Shikamaru Nara. My likes are my family and Naruto, Kurama as well. My dislikes is is seeing Naruto cry or have a panic attack. Inconsiderate people, and people who outright hate Naruto. My dream is to wake up everyday and see Naruto smile." Naruto's cheeks flushed and he spoke.

"Baka! Baka! Don't say something so embarrassing." Naruto whined and Shikamaru chuckled and smiled.

"BakaMaru. It's not funny." Shikamaru sighed and stopped chuckling, looking at Naruto with a fond smile before Asuma spoke.

"Meet here tomorrow at seven am." Jiraiya looked down to Naruto before he left.

"Let's talk Uzumaki. I want to poke your brain about your seals." Jiraiya said and Naruto smiled and nodded.

To which everybody decided to leave, because Shikamaru wanted to watch Naruto draw up more seals.


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