Teams and Soulmates

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Now assigning teams this year was going to be hard. Hizuren and even Shikaku knew. Nobody in the academy class wanted to be on Naruto's team with the exception of his soulmate. Nobody was willing to be his teacher but two Jounins. Three man teams were a must, unless he would sit here and promote only Naruto but that would only cause further separation from Naruto and his classmates.

It was hard and both Hizuren and Shikaku were losing brain cells over this matter. Ino-Shika-Cho but Ino was obsessed with Shikamaru and Choji and Shikamaru didn't like one another after that last stunt so that is an no.

Sakura, Hinata, Tenten and Ino are al scared of the Kyuubi in Naruto.

Sasuke, Kiba and Shino cannot stand one another or Naruto.

Neji and Rock Lee don't like that Naruto and Shikamaru were paired together, a lowly dying clan shouldn't be with an elite clan was Neji's problem while Rock Lee blames Naruto for Sakura's lack of attention on him.

Hizuren should've listened to Minato and not told the village of what Naruto's carries, then the Nara clan is being inconvenienced because their heir was fated to be with Naruto.

This was a giant mess that made Hizuren want a red button that said do-over so he could change the way his village turned out. To make sure Naruto was happy outside of the Nara clan, that everybody praised him as the savior that he really is but he was upset.

It would seem Naruto had to prove himself, much like his mother had to prove her worth. It seems as though the Uzumaki trait is what makes them want to keep pushing, to change their fate. Yet it seemed Naruto was content on being an outcast.

He was having less panic attacks, he didn't want to hid when the class was talking loudly. He looked to be handling everything fine lately, though Shikaku and any other genius knew it's because he was finally receiving love from people.

"Hey did you eat today?" Everybody looked to the crystal ball to see Shikamaru panting, holding a bento and looked as if he was out of breath. Naruto looked up from his seals and sighed.

"Is that breakfast you were supposed to eat? Food Yoshino caught you packing up and she thought you were going to throw out and that's why you ran?" Naruto asked, folding his arms and tilted his head, not noticing the class watched their interaction to see if they could find fault in their relationship.

Shikamaru chuckled and rubbed they back of his head as if he had been caught committing a robbery. Sighing and looking into blue eyes who just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll skip meals if it means you are eating." Naruto's eyes softened at Shikamaru's statement. He shook his head and patted the seat next to him, watching as Shikamaru quickly sat down and Naruto spoke.

"I'll eat some, you need to eat your food or you won't be able to advance your shadows as well as Shikaku." Naruto scolded and Shikamaru scoffed.

"You won't be a seal master if you don't eat regularly." Naruto smiled and stole an egg.

"Wrong, and they say you are a genius." Naruto tapped his fingers to Shikamaru's head before using one finger to pull down his right eyelid and stick his tongue out.

"Baaakaaaa!" Naruto said which made the class tilt their heads at the fact that Naruto called the smartest clan stupid and all he earned was a smile and an eye roll.

"How am I wrong." Naruto smiled and pointed to his sharpened teeth.

"I've lived off of chakra for fourteen years. Kurama is telling me I could survive years without eating."

"200 to be exact if you sustain no injuries. 100 if you live a ninja prone life."

"Centuries Shikamaru, I'm a Uzumaki and a Jinchuriki. I have chakra to spare." Shikamaru tapped Naruto on the nose.

"That's true, but I'd hid your seals if you don't eat three meals a day." Naruto gasped.

"I would start crying." Shikamaru chuckled.

"Make sure you eat then Naruto." Naruto grumbled about a mate that didn't love him, Shikamaru chuckled as the duo ignored the class and continued eating the food he brought. Once they were finished the test started, and everybody in the tower turned to look at the Hokage who seemed to have known what he was going to do.

There is no other option. He is to place Naruto to be Chunin level. Keeps the teams the same, and have Naruto rotate through the Genins to get experience. Though he is unsure if they jounins would agrees for teach him.

"Just place him with Shikamaru and make a four man team." Shikaku said sighing softly.

"They already think he is getting treated special because he is Shikamaru's soulmate making him a Chunin would only say that he used whatever they say is 'demon powers' to influence you." Shikaku said and Hizuren knew he was right.

"The system must be broken." Eyes of every occupant in the room looked to Kurenai who had said that. The door opened and loud clanking was heard.

"Explain why you think the system is broken, and if it has something to do with Naruto you better be ready to defend your answer." Shikaku said folding his arms and staring her down.

She gulped, but she wasn't one to back down from a fight.

"Before you go and list all the reasons you think the system is broken. Why don't you tell us about how much you love your soulmate who was picked by the same system you are about to bash." Shikaku said folding his arms.

"You and Asuma's marriage must be a fraud then? You think the system is broken, so you and Asuma's love for one another must be fake." Shikaku said again and Kurenai stood there.

"Anything you are about to say about the system that paired those two teenagers. Those who are extremely happy with one another is going to be invalid, because you believe the system only failed those two, and not anybody else." Shikaku unfolded his arms and looked at the woman.

"Right?" The Jounins were quiet, and Shikaku folded his arms again, he was annoyed that they would really try that around him.

"Am I right Kurenai? I do happen to be a genius." Shikamu baited and Kurenai clicked her teeth.

"You all make me sick, hating a child that's doing nothing but protect you all. The fourth Hokage chose that child to carry the burden of the Kyuubi and you all make him forget that he is doing an important job in saving the village." Shikaku said and a hush fell around the Jounin.

"My clan will go to war for that teenager. You see how happy he is with my child who has enough brain cells to comprehend that his soulmate is nothing short than a wonderful individual." Naruto's bright laughter could be heard and Shikamaru could be seen actually smiling.

"No your father is just looking at everybody with a disappointed face, you know the face he looks at you all the time with it." Shikamaru gasped and Naruto chuckled.

"No hugs for a week." Naruto shrugged his shoulders and Shikamaru hummed.

"I suppose I should hide your....."

"If you touch my seals I'll sick Kurama on you." Shikamaru chuckled a little and he patted Naruto's hair which made Naruto smile.

"Now look at me and tell me the system is broken?" The door opened again and nobody had any argument in place. The teen looked happy, happier than any other teen that was paired off, they were probably the most compatible in the class.

Pairs like that showed that the system indeed worked, and nobody could say anything about it.



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