Sumihiro, Loving Uncle Vibes

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"We may be intruding on your privacy so feel free to tell us no." Yoshino started as she looked at her son packing up breakfast for Naruto. Shikamaru hummed a little and looked to his mother while his father was still sitting eating breakfast

"Have you and Naruto decided to marry?" Yoshino said, she could see that they were closer after they took the IQ test. Shikamaru was barely home now, and when he was home Naruto was here with him.

They trained on the training ground with Shikamaru's uncles, and they went to the Nara forest to see the deers, getting him acquainted with his new clan.

Naruto seemed to integrate well, better than she had when she married into the Nara family.

"We have, probably not right when it hits a year, but we did agree that we love one another so we decided to marry." Yoshino cheered and Shikaku smiled fondly.

The door opened and closed and soft hello echoed through the home. Peeking into the kitchen was blue eyes that shined in happiness before speaking.

"Look at what Sumihiro got for me." Naruto said and the Nara's were interested. Naruto stepped out and wore a Nara jacket but instead of the olive green that every Nara male had, it was red because of his Uzumaki heritage.

"Isn't it cute? He said so I didn't have to drop my Uzumaki heritage when we get married." Naruto said happily, and Shikamaru softened, Shikamaru's parents wondered what Shikamaru would say.

"It is cute. I'm a little jealous you are so close with my uncle." Naruto smiled and walked to wrap his arms around Shikamaru.

"He's the best uncle you have! He used to bring me clothes when I was younger. I just didn't know he belonged to your clan." Yoshino and Shikaku didn't know that, but Shikamaru sighed.

"You look really good with my last name on your back." Naruto smiled softly.

"Well I would hope so. I am a Nara. Let's go, Asuma probably upset that we are late." Naruto looked to Yoshino and Shikaku.

"Hello, I'll be back. I'm staying the night." Yoshino waved and Shikaku hummed and the last thing the parents heard from the Duo was Shikamaru's iconic line of.

"Did you eat this morning?"

On the way to the tower, Naruto and Shikamaru shared a bento. They talked about what they always talked about. Naruto's seals, Shikamaru's clan, Naruto's eating habits.

Naruto tends to forget to eat, not like he doesn't enjoy it, before it was because nobody would sell him food, but now it was because he was about to finish his sealing, he was close to becoming a master. He would work on seals until Shikamaru forced food down his throat.

The Villagers haven't been harassing Naruto. They are doing this thing that Shikamaru likes which is minding their business and shutting up when he with Naruto. Choji and Shikamaru hadn't even attempted to look at one another.

Asuma wasn't sure how his team was going to even be Chunin when Shikamaru and Naruto didn't talk to Ino or Choji. He wasn't sure who's bright idea this was but he was taking his Genin to get talked too.

Shikamaru and Naruto greatly improved. They were about high Chunin level, knocking on Jounin level while it's a struggle to get Ino and Choji to to even get to high Genin.

It didn't help that the clans were fighting about an alliance right now, thanks to the heirs not getting along. It was a mess, but it didn't look like any of the teens cared. Ino and Choji talked as if nothing was wrong, about their mates and what they planned to do, and all was well until Ino saw Naruto wearing a Nara jacket and Shikamaru laughing as if Naruto told the funniest joke.

Kurama went back into the seal, he often did when he didn't feel like roaming the lands, and he was glad he was able to chose whether he wanted to relax inside the seal or outside the seal.

Kurama was forever grateful to the blonde and red haired teen.

"I take it you both are going to wed?" Asuma asked, very rarely did the system generate a pair that was ready to marry this young. Him and Kurenai didn't marry until he was twenty.

Kakashi and Iruka married last year.

"Yeah. We talked about it and we both agreed. Now a wedding isn't top priority, but I couldn't imagine being with anybody else." Naruto said shrugging and Shikamaru smirked.

"Who else could deal with somebody who was too invested into seals to eat. Also Naruto is sensitive." Naruto rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Shikamaru's uncle made this for me, and it matched my outfit so I wore it." Naruto said happily and Asuma just nodded.

"So what are we...."

"You are seriously going through with this?" Ino asked, and Naruto sighed.

"We are. Is there a reason after nine months that you both are so against us being together? I mean we both make one another happy, and I'm not a demon or monster you all call me to be. So why do you both still dislike me?" Naruto's self confidence did raise tremendously.

Shikamaru's constant compliments and comments. Sumihiro always let Naruto know when he looked good, or when he did a good job.

Yoshino always told him, he was great. An amazing teen that didn't need to be so shy. While Shikaku gave him reassuring head pats and small comments.

"So if you both could explain why you dislike me? I've never done anything to warrant this type of hate, but every time me and Shikamaru's relationship is mentioned, you all think you need to drop your opinions." Naruto said, stepping out of Shikamaru's arms, and looking at his teammates.

"Well? Fox got y'all tongues?" Naruto asked with a head tilt and neither of them answered. So he answered.

"I'm sorry you all don't think us being paired together should've happened. I'm grateful I received such an understanding soulmate, he brought me food and made me eat the first time we met. He constantly checks on me and makes sure I'm okay. He defends me, and he lets me cry as long as I want. He's an amazing man but he is my man." Naruto said calmly looking at Ino and Choji.

"We don't have to be friends. I don't need you all to be my friend, but you want to continue this alliance? Yet you all won't even respect Shikamaru's wife, who is going to be bearing the child for this alliance to continue." Naruto hummed.

"It doesn't make sense to me. However my IQ isn't lower than 100 so I suppose I wouldn't. Now Asuma, where are we going?" Asuma hummed and looked down as his Genin.

"To see Ibiki and Anko. If you all want to participate in the Chunin exams, you all need to learn to work together. Not separate." Naruto and Shikamatu nodded, following his sensei while Choji and Ino shared a look before following the three of them to the Hokage tower since this is where this meeting would take place.

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