Headaches, and More Chakra

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"So I'm here. Why does this looked locked. What is this?" Naruto and Kurama has traveled to his mindscape. They wanted to see what was causing the headaches, no doctor would look over him so Naruto had to self diagnose.

"You think it's a seal? Can you crack it?" Naruto asked Kurama as they walked over to the door, he could see a blue light underneath the door. Well it wasn't blue light, more like blue chakra.

Though it doesn't seem like it was a seal based door. Though Naruto was sure it was. Somebody seal away his chakra? Blue chakra at that? Naruto's chakra was red, much like everything else that belonged in the Uzumaki clan.

So he didn't understand why blue chakra had to be sealed away, it looks like a lot has accumulated over the years. The fifteen year old walked up to the door, he saw two figures standing there, muffled voices but they seemed to be talking to one another. Kurama followed but the minute he realized who was there he sat down and ushered for Naruto to continue without him.

Weird but alright.

When he finally reached the door he saw the two figures bickering.

"Why did you seal your chakra again?"

"It would overpower yours, your chakra needed to produce in him or he wouldn't be our child. Just mines."

"Pretty confident for a man who didn't push said child out of a...."

"Okay Kushina, but he did develop more of my chakra than yours, so if I didn't seal my chakra away and allowed your Uzumaki chakra to thrive then he would've had an even harder time soothing Kurama because of the lack of Uzumaki chakra."

"Fair point Minato. Now where is our...."

"Who are you both?" Naruto looked as the duo faced him and he tilted his head. His hair color was the same as theirs, he had the woman's hair type of straight. The mans eye color the woman's eyes shape. The three of them stood there before Naruto started tearing.

"Why are you crying. Don't cry." The man said but the woman was crying, she opened her arms and Naruto ran into them. The man only smiled and joined the hug of his wife and child.

"I'm sorry we left you so early. Please forgive us Naruto." Kushina spoke as she tried to remember the feeling of hugging her child.

A teenager who wanted nothing more than to stay in his mothers embrace.

"Momma, Father." Naruto choked out and Minato nodded.

"We had to save the village from a man wanting the nine tails. He pulled him out of your mother, and then used the Kyuubi to attack the village and you were the only person that could hold it and soothe it like your mother did before you." Naruto nodded and pulled away from his family.

"I don't mind Kurama, he's actually really nice. He helps me with my sealing, and he has partial roam. Though Hizuren told everybody what I carried and it's causing me and soulmate troubles." Naruto said and Kushina and Minato sat at the bottom of the door ushering Naruto over and making him tell them about his life.

Outside of his mind Shikamaru was worried frantic even and he looked to his mother.

"He's been sleeping for days, he hasn't gotten up at all, no doctor will check him out." Yoshino frowned, and Shikaku walked in the room.

"Is he still sleeping?" Shikamaru looked ready to cry while Yoshino had a sad look etched on her face.

"He hasn't woke up since he fell asleep in the meeting." Shikamaru said and Shikaku sighed.

"I'll see if the Hokage may know somebody. Be right back."

However inside Naruto's mind, he was watching his mother laugh, about how similar the best men in her life were.

"Your father and his seals too. Definitely didn't get that addiction from me. Hey do you want to wield a sword?" She asked hopefully and Naruto smiled.

"I do, I'm almost finished with sealing, to wear I can craft and design a sword and wield it with the seals I can create. I'll be the first person in the lands to wield a sword covered in Fuinjutsu!" Naruto said happily and both Kushina and Minato eyes softened.

Their son was perfect, everything they imagined their child to be, and he came out better and seemed to be loved even though he was shunned.

"So, who is this soulmate? Who did the system pair you with?" Minato said and Naruto smiled and leaned into his father, his heart pounded a little faster as he realized the love of his life made him so happy.

"Oh you're blushing, so cute." Kushina said and Naruto spoke.

"Shikamaru Nara." Naruto said as a silence hushed between the three of them. It was quiet until Kushina screamed.

"Really! Oh I'm so happy. We love the Nara's, they were the first clan that accepted me and Minato as soulmates." Naruto smiled happily.

"I really love that clan, they fed me, clothed me, and helped me train. Me and Shikamaru are going to marry." Minato smiled happily.

"I'm happy you are happy Naruto." Naruto nodded and they started talking about how Naruto and Shikamaru made it through every hurdle.

Shikamaru sat on the bed tapping his leg in a nervous manner. Yoshino has tried and failed to get her son to eat while Naruto was dealing and or fighting something.

She hadn't ever seen her son so upset, he looked like Naruto was going to die. She looked down at Naruto and sighed. Sitting in a chair waiting for Shikaku to come back with somebody and when the room door opened, Shikamaru looked up to see his father, Hizuren and all the Sannin.

"He hasn't been up since the alliance meeting." Shikamaru said standing up and moving by his mother. So first the blonde one went up to the child, running a hand over him making sure everything was fine.

It was indeed fine, so she started to look deeper. She was the best medic in the lands, she had diagnosed so many people and saved so many that this should seem like child's play.

But why isn't she finding anything wrong with the teen? She was closed her eyes and calmed down, she travelled through his chakra pathways and when she went over the spot that produced chakra she had gasped. That put everybody in the room on edge.

"What was that gasped for?"

"Is he dying?"

"Why would you say that with his soulmate right here idiotic snake Sannin?"

"Senju-san is Naruto alright?"

The woman calmed and looked to Hizuren.

"Does this child even know who he is?" She asked and everybody looked to Hizuren, and he shook his head.

"Well he has a seal, sealing half of his chakra." Shikamaru stood up.

"You mean, my chakra junkie of a boyfriend has even more chakra?" She nodded.

"Hizuren will explain. This child cannot catch a break. Jiraiya help with seal, and I'll try and contain his chakra."

Hizuren stood there as Jiraiya and Tsunade went to work on Naruto. While Naruto was talking to his parents.

"He's a good man, he doesn't mind my habits and will even force food down my throat if I had forgotten." Naruto said and his parents smiled.

The door had started cracking. Minato and Kushina shared a look before looking at Naruto.

"Someone is breaking the seal, we have to finally cross over." Naruto smiled sadly. He stood and watched as his parents stood with him.

"I'm going to miss you both even more. I love you both." Naruto said and he was engulfed in a hug, his mother and father were crying into his hair.

"You are the best child in the world Naruto. Keep fighting okay?" Naruto nodded at his fathers words and his mother hiccup.

"I don't want to leave my baby. I love you Naruto." Minato smiled.

"I love you Naruto."

"I love you both so much." The hold had gotten lighter and lighter until they were gone, and the minute Naruto opened his eyes, he was encased in blue chakra



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