Elite Soulmate

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Naruto sat at his desk and he wrote out seals in pencils. He didn't fully draw out seals in class, because he didn't want one to accidentally activate one. He had been putting on some healthy weight, and his skin looked a lot better from just living off of chakra.

A lot of people noticed that he indeed did look a lot better and some people blamed it on the fact that he simply was being taken care of by a wealthy family.

Naruto chose not to listen to the talk. Shikamaru cared for him, Shikaku and Yoshino cared for him as well. The entire clan loved him and cared for him and so he ignored them all saying he hypnotized the clan with his demon powers, and or threatened them.

He didn't. They just cared for him. That made him happy.

"You! Who do you think you are?" Naruto hadn't noticed the class filling up, he also didn't notice that Sakura and Ino stood in front of his desk.

His desk away from everybody.

"I'm sorry?" Naruto phrased it like a question because he wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. They obviously had somebody stalling Shikamaru, Shikamaru usually came and checked on him before class, made sure he ate, made sure he was taking care of himself.

He saw everybody in class but Choji and Shikamaru so he is positive about them stalling him so they could speak their mind. He just wasn't sure what they needed to speak about.

They would only call him a demon and a monster and say how he didn't deserve Shikamaru.

"You think you are good enough to be with somebody so elite like Shikamaru?" Sakura said, she had been hoping her soulmate would be one of the elites, but she ended up getting mated to a man who couldn't use chakra and was annoying." Ino had been hoping to get paired with Shikamaru, not somebody who didn't show emotion.

"I actually don't." Naruto said which threw off the class. Naruto or the class hadn't noticed Shikamaru coming in with Choji

"I'm broken, and way too many times I don't eat because I don't feel like I'm good enough to eat. Some days Shikamaru has to force food down my throat." Naruto shrugged and sighed.

"Some days I don't want to leave the bed, and I spend all day crying into the pillows, and Shikamaru doesn't say anything but allows me to keep crying the only difference is he holds me when I cry." Shikamaru smiled sadly, listening to Naruto spill his soul to the class.

"Some days I think I burden the entire Nara clan with how little I care for myself. Sometimes I think that Shikamaru would be happier with somebody else, because I'm an emotional and mental reck that you all have created, and raised." Naruto said nonchalantly.

"If your goal was to make me shy, weak and scarred. Then congratulations you've all completed your goal. However Shikamaru's sees pass that." Naruto started putting his seals away and sighed as he stood up.

He was shaking mentally of course, wanting to hug himself, he was anxious and felt a panic attack coming on after standing up for himself finally.

"He doesn't see me as a demon but a human tasked with keeping the demon at bay. He sees me for me, something you all could never do. So I'm sorry to have broken your hearts, but unless Shikamaru specifically tells me he's sick of me. I'll never leave him alone." Naruto bowed and left the class out the window, not wanting to cross the herd of students.

"Tch unbelievably." Everybody's heads jerked and they saw Shikamaru at the door, he folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Worry about your own soulmates. I'd never leave Naruto." Shikamaru headed out of the door, and walked to Naruto's home. He always headed there when he was nervous. His safe space when he designed a seal that made it so nobody but anybody of the Nara clan could even knock in his door.

He was quickly progressing in his sealing with the help of Kurama. Kurama cared for the child and helped him achieve things he wanted to do in this life.

Shikamaru hadn't knock, only opening the door to see Naruto in his natural state of seals scattered among the floor and Ink splattered across the floor and tears dried on his cheek, Naruto looked up and gave Shikamaru a smile.

"You should be at school." Naruto said placing his brush down, and patting the spot next to him. Shikamaru sat down and Naruto handed him about ten seals.

"You should be at school too Naruto." Naruto hummed and placed his his ink covered hand through his growing hair.

"We both should be at school." Naruto retorted and Shikamaru nodded.

"But I hate being cornered, and I feel safe surrounded by seals." Naruto said resting his head on Shikamaru shoulder, closing his eyes wanting to head back to sleep and hopefully Shikamaru would join him.

"Yes, I'm proud of you." Shikamaru placed the seals down and wrapped his arms Naruto knowing he wanted to head back to sleep.

"For what?" Shikamaru pulled Naruto to his couch and covered them with a blanket. Comfortable and Safe Naruto really adores this man.

"For standing up for yourself. You've done a wonderful job." Naruto smiled and yawned, happy that he received praise from Shikamaru.

"Yoshino and Shikaku are going to be upset that you skipped." Naruto said he could feel himself drifting in and out of consciousness, so he didn't even register the kiss to his nose and Shikamaru's chuckle, him being too far into dream leaned to hear his snarky reply.

"They will be fine when they realized I did it for you.  If you haven't notice, my entire clan is at your call, Princess." Shikamaru had noticed that he fell asleep and chuckled to himself and closed his eyes, drifting to sleep as well.

Shikaku had been tasked with finding his son, he always was. Iruka has said that a disturbance happened which is why both teens didn't come to school but Shikaku didn't care if they only showed once a week.

He only cared that he had to get off his spot on the couch to find his son and Naruto, when he could've been still sitting on the couch being lazy.

So he opened Naruto's apartment door and saw seals scattered around the room, Naruto and Shikamaru had ink in their cheeks and clothes, as they slept contently on the couch.

He didn't want to wake them, but he called out to Naruto who slept the lightest, probably because of his childhood. He watched as blue eyes fluttered open and the owner of those eyes sat up which made his son groan.

"Naruto, come back to bed."

"We are suppose to have dinner at your house. Your father is going to be here soon."

"So let's just lay down until he gets here."

"We have ink all over ourselves."

"What a drag."

"I'll make you more seals for your shadows."

Shikamaru sat up quickly and wrapped his arms around Naruto's humming as Naruto smiled.

"Yeah, now go shower in the guest room." Shikamaru sighed and stood back up.

"The things I do for you!" Shikamaru called out and Naruto smiled.

"I thank Kami everyday for you putting up with me." Naruto replied which he knew made Shikamaru blush because he scoffed and spoke.

"Troublesome Princess."

Shikaku just sat on the couch and waited for the couple. They looked so happy with one another and he prayed nothing would interrupt them from being happy.


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