New Roles

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Louis tried to move, his entire body feeling numb. He definitely was on a much stronger medication now. As he sat up, he noticed the many voices and dark shapes around him.

"Guys, he's awake! Are you ok?" One of the actors asked. Louis ignored the question completely, thinking back to when he lost consciousness. "The audience, did they see anything?"

Sanu, the pelican, shook his head.

"You collapsed after the curtains had already closed, the only thing they noticed was that you weren't there for the curtain call." The deer felt at ease. Whatever pain he had endured during the play had been worth it. The audience enjoyed the performance, and no one suspected a thing. He lifted the blanket. His leg had a cast as he had suspected.

"The doctor said you have a stress fracture on your left foot," Bill said, the tiger earning himself a multitude of glares for the blatant statement. "You won't be able to perform tomorrow." This time he received a shove from another actor. "What?" The tiger was confused.

"Did you really have to say it outright like that?" Sanu retorted the pelican, trying to ease everyone into the situation instead of letting it hit everyone like a brick.

"What use is it, hiding it from him. This is Louis we're talking about." Louis looked downwards, he knew that the next reaction of the actors would be pity. They would pity him, treating him like a helpless child, and pity him they did. The last thing he could ever have wanted. "We have been discussing who would take over playing Adler, seeing as you can't perform..." Ellen said, the zebra looking worried.

"I understand." Louis scanned the room, full of faces filled with concern and worry. He already knew his choice.

Legosi stood in the middle of the Drama Club. The wooden stick in his hand, laying smoothly in his hands. Legosi never was much of an actor or any kind of performer. He was just... a stagehand. Working in the Background, adjusting lights, fixing speakers, and sewing up costumes. Due to Louis not being able to play Adler, he picked Bill to take his place. That left another hole in the actor's list. The third villain now had no one to portray him. The obvious choice was to use a person of the same stature as Bill leading to Legosi being the one selected for the role. Of course, he asked if they could just cut the part out completely, but both Bill and Louis insisted. So there he was... holding a stick as a practice sword, preparing to play a villain.

"Oh come on, Legosi, you've got nothing to worry about! It's a real small role anyways." Bill had put his arm around Legosi's shoulders.

"I'm really not sure about this," Legosi said as the tiger pulled him on the stage.

"It's just a tiny bit of dialogue and a good old sword fight." The tiger had swung at him, Legosi blocking at the last second. "Hey!" The Grey wolf shouted, just as the next swing flew into his direction. Barely parrying the hit, Legosi's stance had changed. He now stood firmly, his feet rooted into the floor and having placed distance between them.

"Oh come on now, we don't have to pretend. We're carnivores, aren't we?!" The emphasis on carnivore made his skin crawl. Bill swung again, this time, Legosi quickly countered it with a swing of his own. This certainly caught Bill off guard, barely being able to block.

"So, I am fighting a Grey Wolf ay?" Bill began throwing multiple swings in succession while continuously moving towards Legosi. With each block, Legosi felt adrenaline shooting through his veins, accompanied by a mixture of testosterone and endorphins. With every strike from the two... Bill was starting to have fun. The fight began to evolve from constant attacking from Bill to a balanced fencing duel between two sides of the same coin. Bill is more powerful, with the drawback of being slower, while Legosi attacks in short and quick bursts.

"Are we starting to have fun here?" Bill asked, hoping to distract him.

"If you can still take it, you big kitten." The mixture of hormones in his body started to affect Legosi even more. He was more confident, faster, and held much less restraint. Bill struggled to keep blocking the now rapidly coming attacks. Before he knew it, the next swing crashed with such force that he dropped his own sword. Bracing for the impact, he shielded his face. That impact never came, instead, Legosi wore a shocked look on his face. The wolf immediately dropped his weapon and ran to his side.

"Are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt you..." he apologized. Still taken aback by the sudden vigor of the usually docile and restrained carnivore, he smiled and whispered, "You really are a carnivore..."

Bill stood up and put his hand on Legosi's shoulder. "Tomorrow, we'll show the audience what it means to be strong and to be a true star. The performance will be a blast. Just remember to give it your all." The two turned towards the rest of the actors. Shock and surprise being the most prominent feeling in the room. Juno had finished practicing with the dance team, and having watched the incident from afar was quite swooned. This peaceful wolf had a power that she nor Legosi could ever have imagined.

After they had finished practice, it was late at night, the moon illuminating the school campus. Legosi closed the door and started walking to his dorm.

"Legosi!" The shout had come from behind him. Juno walked up to him, and together they made their way to their respective dorms. "Has Bill coaxed the wolf out of hiding?" she teased. He chuckled a bit. Bill had managed to get him to bring out strength he almost forgot he had.

"Well... maybe he was just lucky," Legosi said.

"He seems just as nervous as you. You know that?" Legosi found that easier to believe than he thought. The act of pretending to be overconfident being one of the most used strategies against anxiety. He smiled. He wasn't the only one that had credible fear.

"Just be there for each other, ok?" Juno was helping him more than she knew. By helping another, he could also help himself. "I appreciate the notion. Thank you." He was happy to have met her. Both were...

After she departed, he was left feeling tired, in a good way. He felt physically exhausted, but on the other hand, he felt more prepared for tomorrow than ever before. All the others were asleep when he arrived... again. He really shouldn't make a habit out of it. Fixing his sleep cycle would make it harder to concentrate. He was anxious about the final performance. He has been in the Drama Club ever since he first joined the school with Jack almost two years ago. He had never stood on stage once in that entire time... Yes, tomorrow was going to be a big day.

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