Lion's Den

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They could see the Shishigumi's hideout through the treeline where they hid. The pouring rain and creeping darkness of the night thankfully masked their presence from any of the guards. Lions in black suits walked up and down the pathways leading to the large building.

"The guards have set patrol routes. Luckily for you guys, I have a pretty good idea of what they are. This isn't my first time being here. While I've never been here with the intention of infiltration, I've always kept a watchful eye nonetheless." Gouhin peeked his head out from the trees, scanning the front yard. The others watched intently.

"If we decide to go in stealthily, we could avoid alerting them," proposed Legosi.

"That's the plan, kid," Gouhin remarked.

"If we go in and they get alerted, they'll rush in and swarm us in no time," added Juno, already thinking of an exit strategy.

"If that happens, we fight our way through." Bill cracked his knuckles, ready for a fight.

Legosi scanned his surroundings, his nocturnal vision allowing him to properly taking in the yard they were in. It was mostly pathways leading through upkept gardens, there were very few bushes or trees to hide behind. Another feature was a large canal flowing through the middle of the yard, dividing it. There was one large bridge connecting the gate area to the main building. Other than that, they'd be completely exposed.

"We need to get them away from that bridge somehow. We need a distraction," said Legosi, thinking on how to achieve said distraction.

"Hey guys, take a look at this." Juno pointed to a sign not too far from them. "They got a garage not too far from here. I bet if I ran over there, I can get you that distraction."

"I'll take care of that. You guys just focus on getting inside," said Gouhin.

"Uhh, no offense Gouhin, but I'm pretty sure wolves can run a lot faster than a panda."

"Oh please, I've been training my body for years now. I should be more than fast enough."


"Just let the panda go, Juno," ordered Louis. "He's right, we just need to focus on getting inside right now."

"You're a brave lady for sure, but leave this one to me."


Gouhin nodded at them and took off, sneaking towards the garage. He reached there in no time.

"Wow, he really wasn't kidding when he said he was fast," said Bill.

Louis starred intensely at the building as if it were his own prey. "Alright, the moment those guards out front leave, we book it. Is that clear?"

"We all got your back, Louis."

"I know..."

Louis's thoughts circled around Haru. What have they done to her? Did they hurt her? Was she even still alive?

The sudden loud noise of car alarms howling pulled him out of his thoughts.

As expected, the lions who patrolled around the bridge ran towards the sudden noise, leaving the bridge completely open and unguarded.

Just as they had discussed, they immediately made a break for the entrance. Just as they reached the doors, however, Legosi stopped in his tracks.

"Wait a second guys, I'm smelling something..." Legosi sniffed around the air for a moment, trying to make sense of what he was smelling. "Do you smell it too, Juno?"

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