City Trips

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Legosi was eating breakfast with his friends as usual. Today, he was wearing a red shirt and casual pants. The city trip allowed them to wear almost whatever they wanted.

"So... have you heard? Two students were found beaten up on the school campus last night." Jack was nervous, the dog struggling to comprehend the possibility of a violent predator roaming the school grounds... or worse, one of the students...

Legosi continued to eat peacefully. He only had remembered parts of yesterday evening. The two bullies attacking him... the rest was a blur. What he did remember was the pungent smell of fear. The leader was scared of him, just as much as Juno was to them. Maybe even more so.

"They had amnesia... The attacker must have been so strong... or so traumatizing." Collot's idea made Jack shiver. How large and powerful must that beast be that attacked them.

"What I find so interesting is that the victims were carnivores. That was no hunger-related attack. There's likely some other ulterior motive.." said Miguno. Practically the whole school was speculating who the mysterious attacker was.

"Maybe the attacker wasn't a carnivore... maybe they were aggressive herbivores?" The table grew silent at that statement. Collot was just thinking... no need to freak out.

"They must feel threatened then." Durham looked off to the herbivore groups. "Maybe it was Louis... that prick-" Legosi had punched the table, his fangs barely visible.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." The table stared at him, bewildered. Voss's tray had almost fallen off his smaller table, the small canine placing the tray back, giving angry glares.

"He would never do such a thing" He looked around, his friends were looking at him as if he had just committed murder. He sighed, easing his tensed up muscles. "I-im sorry... It's just." He sighed again, this time deflating physically. "Louis may seem like a douchebag at times... but he's great when you look past that whole persona of his." Legosi had defended a friend he didn't even know he had, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized he liked him a lot.

"Calm down... everything's fine," said Jack empathetically.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know you were friends." Durham's words seemed to make it all the more clear. The hatred Louis seemed to present towards all carnivores was merely a facade masking the true feelings of jealousy and fascination. Legosi looked at the clock.

"I'm very sorry about that, but I have to go."


"Sorry guys..." The wolf walked away from the table, leaving his friends perplexed.

"I don't know what happened, but Legosi is changing," said Collot, The white-furred dog looking at the wolf leaving.

"Ever since Tem's death... Maybe it hit him harder than we realized," Miguno speculated.

"Poor Legosi. I bet he thinks it's his fault..." Jack stated worriedly. The retriever looking at his best friend leaving.

The group of carnivores was left in awe after getting off the bus. The City Center was crawling with life. Crowded streets, restaurants, street musicians. As it turns out... adults lived together... peacefully. Aoba noticed a fellow bird flying by.

"They're flying freely here... I'm jealous," he remarked.

"Gotta wait till your an adult for that." Tao reminded the eagle. This outside world seemed so much more peaceful than the school halls they tread day after day. Maybe there was hope for carnivores to seamlessly live beside herbivores.

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