The Beast

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This morning wasn't the greatest. After Legosi decided to spend some time with Jack and Durham, the news channel reported another devouring incident. The two herbivores they were currently playing checkers left, upon hearing the news. Jack was visibly troubled by this, his tail drooping lifelessly.

"We're getting too used to this, aren't we...?" Spoke Durham.

Jack was looking depressed. "Why does one Prick have to ruin it for all of us?"

"Let's not dwell on it, buddy... are you hungry? I could go for some watermelon right about now." Legosi's words attempted to raise his mood, at least by a little bit.

"That sounds delicious," Durham began to rub his stomach. "Let's go."

The three made their way towards the cafeteria, Jack still being comforted by his friends. Legosi was rubbing jack's shoulder when the smell of Juno became noticeable, but... something was wrong. The smell stung at his nose. It wasn't the same inviting scent as usual... She was under stress. Legosi darted off towards the source of the smell.

"Where the heck are you going!?"

Legosi didn't hear Jack, already being concentrated on Juno. He rounded a corner and finally saw the cause of the scent. Two male students had grabbed her by the arm, pulling her violently towards them.

"Let me GO!" Fear... he smelt her fear. The scent only heightened the amusement of the two bullies.

"The leader of the group that devoured that gazelle was a wolf, wasn't it? Why don't you show us who you truly are..."

"I'm not like that! Let me go!" she cried out.

Rage burned in his veins, fogging his senses. Before he knew it, he'd already stomped towards them, his face twisted into a hateful expression, bearing his teeth.

"If you're a real gray wolf, then show us your true nat-" The bully wouldn't be able to finish that sentence. He was too busy taking a powerful kick to the side, knocking the wind out of him. He landed on the floor, wheezing while trying to catch his breath. The large growling predator loomed over him, picking him up by the collar. The bully himself was a carnivore, the new sensation of wanting to flee was alien to him. Before he could open his mouth, he flew down the hall, crashing into his companion.

He groaned, trying to compose himself as he tried to stand up. His side, still hurting from the first kick. It felt like his ribs had fractured. Another kick sent him back to the ground. He saw his friend also trying to stand back up, the large wolf shoved his friend into him.

The two were yowling in pain now, scrambling to their feet, crawling more than running. They held each other up, just barely, and began hobbling off.

When the two finally rounded the corner, Legosi immediately turned his attention back to Juno. She was still sitting on the floor, crying. He came closer, crouching down next to her. Still driven by instinct, he couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He took her in his arms, embracing her tightly.

Legosi had just beaten up two bullies in front of her. The shock of the sudden outburst made her shiver slightly, but when he crouched down next to her, hugging her, his elevated heartbeat showed just how important she was to him.

"Thank you," she said softly, her face wet with tears. He embraced her tighter, not wanting to let go. He stood up, still in the tight embrace, pulling her to her feet. He gently wiped the tears off her face. His arms once again reached around her, hugging her for a second time.

"Next time I'll be here sooner," he promised softly.

"It wasn't your fault," she replied, speaking just as quietly. He loosened up, separating from the hug once more.

Beastars Rewritten Season 1 (Old Version - Rework in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now