Lights Out

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When Juno arrived at the infirmary, she found Legosi and Bill both standing before the bedridden cheetah. Bill was almost freaked out at the amount of damage the wolf had caused.

"You really did a number on him, huh?" Bill was looking at the cast the cheetah had around their neck.

"He attacked Louis," the wolf said, defending himself. The motionless cheetah deserved what he got... but it still scared him... to know what he was capable of...

"Yeah... I guess he got what he asked for." Bill sighed. Who was dumb enough to attack Louis without expecting any consequences?

Juno's scent took Legosi's mind away from the gloomy atmosphere. He turned towards the she-wolf, a smile creeping onto his face. She stood next to him, looking at the bed.

"How bad are they hurt," she asked, the cast on their neck indicating that they must be seriously injured.

"They have a dislocated jaw, a broken nose, and a severe concussion," Bill informed her.

"Why did they even attack Louis?" Juno asked, wondering what the motivation behind the attack was. Legosi shook his head.

"Your guess is probably as good as mine," answered Legosi.

"It could have been another devouring," suggested Bill. "Or maybe they were scared that he might become the next Beastar." Legosi's ears perked up at Bill's words. Could the title really hold so much importance that they were actively trying to kill a possible herbivore Beastar?

"Louis should be more Careful... I think that this cheetah isn't the only one who wants him dead." Legosi was truly worried about his friend. The Red Deer might be harsh at times, but he did also have good intentions.

Legosi and Juno left, walking down the halls. He was worried about the prospect of one of his friends being in danger, but also shocked to once again see how aggressive he could be.

Juno saw how slouched over he was, his tail motionlessly hanging. She hugged him from the side.

"I should still have one of your tracksuits at my dorm. If you want you, can stay for the night... My roommates aren't going to be back till another few days." She squeezed him, hoping to boost his spirits.

"That sounds good..." he said, his spirits lifting at least a little bit. They both made their way to the drama club.

There really wasn't much more to do on the festival grounds. The statue was finished, and the art department just helped out wherever help was needed. They mostly played cards and roamed the grounds themselves. After the day was done, the drama club had gathered close to the hollow, paper Meteor.

Legosi looked at the illuminated orb.

"My father told me stories about how he and my mom lit a candle in the meteor when they were teenagers..." Juno had sneaked to his side, startling him a bit. He relaxed as he realized who it was. She giggled at his reaction, turning her attention back towards the meteor.

"Do you believe in those kinds of stories? That if a couple lights a candle in the meteor, their love prospers?" Legosi looked at his girlfriend, the spark in her eyes telling him how important this was to her.

"If you believe in it, then I believe in it too." He smiled at her before giving her a kiss.

Suddenly the lights shut off, followed by the panicked screams of students.

"What happened!?" Juno asked, worry in her voice.

"A blackout... Let's get back to the others." Legosi grabbed her hand and ran back to the group, eerily reminiscent of when Adler ran across the stage with his love.

"Are you guys ok?" he asked into the group.

"We're ok... Legosi, where are you!?" Dom rang out.

"I'm gonna reach out my hand" He grabbed Dom's hand, calming the peafowl down. "Don't worry, all of us nocturnals will protect you." His words seemed to calm the group down further, even though the screams were still omnipresent.

"Who was here with us?" asked Aoba, the question getting Legosi to think. Louis..!

"Aoba, keep guard for me. I need to find Louis!" The wolf ran off into the darkness tracking down the scent of his expensive perfume.

"Legosi, wait!" Juno ran up to him, following him. "Stay close to me." His protective instincts had already set in, he now concentrated on nothing but Louis's scent.

The two wolves found the deer behind the gardening stall, embracing Haru tightly. Juno was still too concentrated on staying by Legosi's side, but Legosi heard Louis's Voice. He softly whispered into her ears, a soothing tone to his voice.

"I will never leave you behind," he repeated over and over again.

"Louis, are you ok?" Legosi asked, riddled with concern. Louis looked into the direction of the sound, still practically blind in the dark.

"We're ok, we'll come to you..." his voice was far from composed, fear not only being smelled but also heard in his voice. Louis stumbled through the darkness, Legosi reached out trying to hold his hand.

While Legosi was busy protecting Louis and Haru, Juno noticed a shadow in the distance. The barely noticeable shape was turned towards them, watching from afar, before turning and walking away. She stared at the tree line for a moment before turning her attention back to the other three while still cautiously glancing back to the treeline.

The lights suddenly turned back on, the deer relaxed, opening up his arms to let the rabbit stand her own. Louis had obviously been in distress, seeing Haru in potential danger. Legosi sighed with relief.

"Thank god you guys are alright... let's go back to the others..." The deer followed Haru, who was taking the lead.

"Thank you," he said while walking past him. He smiled... everyone was safe and sound.

As they walked back, Juno walked beside Legosi. "Did you see anything in the distance?..." she asked, still nervous.

"No..? What did you see?" Legosi asked, worried now too. "It was probably nothing... I just thought I saw a shadow." He put his arm around her, looked into her eyes, he kissed her. The kiss calmed her down, reminding her that she was safe.

After all had calmed down, the students took the train back to school. Louis didn't leave Haru's side the entire time.

The two wolves reached Juno's dorm exhausted. Both sloppily changed into their sleepwear. Afterward, Legosi was first to sink into her bed, holding the blanket up for her. She snuggled into his arms, resting her head on his chest. She drifted off to sleep, only hearing the soothing heartbeat of her boyfriend. Legosi himself fell asleep soon after, knowing that he and his friends were safe and sound...

Beastars Rewritten Season 1 (Old Version - Rework in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now