Lover's appreciation

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Juno and Legosi sat together on a bench, looking upwards at the tranquil night sky. Juno sat upon Legosi's lap, turned sideways, facing him. The two wolves hadn't spoken a word since the performance. Not a word needed to be said. They stared at the sky, all the stars seemed to shine brighter just for them. They looked back at each other and shared a kiss, holding each other close. She seemed to fit perfectly in his arms, holding her, as if it physically hurt to not have contact. She leaned into him, resting her face on his chest, feeling his every breath and heartbeat.

They didn't know what time it was, nor did they care. Time slowed down with every kiss. Legosi now knew what that energizing feeling deep inside was. The immense amount of love in his heart, swelling, and spreading every time they held eye contact. He sighed.

"How long have you been feeling this way about me?" his voice was quiet, not wanting to disturb her. She looked him in the eyes. There was a sparkle she saw in them, one she had only started to see after they had first kissed.

"Probably the moment I met you at that fountain." She circled her arms behind his neck. "You were the first one that was ever actually nice to me here." Her amethyst eyes seemed to give off a glow, a warm and natural one. Their lips met again, the warm feeling letting the butterflies out and inviting love inside.

"Whoever hurt you was a fool. No one should hurt a kind, beautiful creature like you." Their eyes remained fixated on each other. He closed his own as he put his forehead to hers, squeezing her against his body, tight. He now understood what all the fuss about being in love was about. The she-wolf in his arms was a prime example of it.

Only once they had noticed how late it was, did they finally break apart. They kissed one last time and went their separate ways. Legosi put his hands into his pockets, kicking the dirt on the pathway as he strolled along. His tail wagged energetically, as he hummed an old love song his grandfather once taught him. He felt at peace... an aura of love surrounding him. Every time he thought of her, he became weak in the legs, and his heart fluttered. He smiled as he wandered down the pathway back to his dorm.

The bulk of the next day was full of studying and catching up on their classes. The play's run had ended, and Legosi still had his education to take care of, but, although the tasks were indeed boring and repetitive, he never complained. Later on, he and Jack walked down the halls towards the last of their classes for the day.

"You know... you seem a lot less depressed than usual," he noticed.

"Yeah... things have just seemed to... go right for me recently." Legosi had a smile on his face, and he didn't hunch over as much as usual.

"Hmmm... would this happen to have something to do with that She-wolf that joined the Drama club?" Legosi stood still, stiffening up for a brief moment. Jack walked right past him, wagging his tail from left to right. "The tail wags back and forth, maybe I'm in love! Le- Le- Legosi." He stopped and turned around starring at his friend. Has he just outed himself?

"Seriously?! You, who didn't have a girlfriend once in their life, is suddenly in love? I'm so happy for you!" The smaller dog hugged his friend. "You gotta tell me more about her! Is she cute? What is she like? Is she showing interest too?" Jack flooded Legosi with questions after question as they continued walking, Legosi picking up the pace a bit.

"More than just interest, alright." What did he just say? He cursed himself a moron as Jack caught on to what he just said.

"More than just interest? Are you already a couple?! You can't leave me hanging like this. Tell me! Tell me!" Jack was overly excited, making it a bigger deal than it needed to be. The wolf ignored his friend's request as he continued walking down the hall.

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