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The next morning was relatively calm. Juno and Legosi had woken up and ate breakfast together before heading to Drama Club. Today was the second to last of preparation on the festival grounds before the actual festival.

The couple had decided to roam the grounds together before they actually had to get to work. They walked from stand to stand, just enjoying the morning. The ocean was in plain view of the festival grounds, the morning sun glistening brightly off its surface.

Louis was present as well, spending time with Haru as he's been doing for the past month excessively. He knew that he was promised someone else, a mere political wedding, to uphold an image, but he found himself slowly falling more and more for this hare.

The rumors of such a thing alone would be enough to let his "father" decide against them being a couple, but the fact that she was a bunny... that made a definite no. He hadn't dared to speak to him about it.

Louis's father, Oguma, was the president of the highly esteemed Horns Conglomerate. The company was previously owned by his father and his father before him. The company was to be inherited by Oguma's firstborn child, but, as fate would have it, he was born sterile. This fact was an incredible detriment to the company. So, being unable to have kids of his own, Oguma turned to other methods. He turned to the Black Market.

The back alley businesses had a market for everything. One of these markets was the place of Louis's forgotten youth, well, not forgotten by Louis anyways...

Louis was sold as a fawn by his real parents, in order for them to survive. He was kept in a cell block with other herbivore children. They were left there for a dark purpose; to be sold as fresh meat...He dreaded to think about it, that accursed number 4, permanently branded on his right foot, a physical reminder of his past.

Yet, even so, he hated his "father" more. That mammal held an even colder facade than Louis. Looking back at it now, Louis was more sure than ever that Oguma taking him in was all apart of his little business strategy. Not a single care at all about Louis. All he was to him was another tool to be used and manipulated. He's even worse than those carnivores...

Oguma had paid money to release him. Louis was nothing more than a brand new part of his clockwork. An easy solution to a far more complicated problem.

Louis often fantasized about killing him, finally putting an end to his cold, apathetic ways. He would use that gun that he carried around, a gun that his father did not know about, to do the job. However, Louis has been pretty useless with it.

The attacker yesterday was too fast for him and had Legosi not stepped in, he would have been killed presumably. He should have pulled his gun out, but he ended up panicking in the moment and forgot all about it. That wolf sure was something... he was always so timid and awkward, but he now saw that making him angry was a very, very bad idea.

But even with all the thoughts going through his mind, this dwarf rabbit, with fur as white as snow on a cold winter's day, had managed to distract him, putting his mind at ease. He felt calm and comfortable when she was around, he didn't feel the stress of upholding his facade, he didn't feel the fear of breaking under pressure.

His fantasy of killing the person that made his life all so much harder was now replaced by the fantasy of leaving it all behind. He wanted to marry her in secret, running away from all the useless responsibilities that others have decided for him.

Louis longed for control, to decide things on his own, without expectation lurking around every corner. Haru was his shining possibility that he may control his own fate one day. She accepted him just for the way he was. He felt no pressure in trying to be perfect around her. He pleased her by simply being himself.

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