Classification: Dwarf Rabbit

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Legosi and friends gawked at the heap of fur that was left over after they had trimmed. It was a month after the performance, and the summer heat had begun to set in, and their coats, like many others, were far too thick. Every furred mammal had to be trimmed every now and then, with every species having its own periodic schedule, but Legosi's pack members were similar enough that they could all be trimmed together. The others were talking about how much everyone's cut would be. Legosi and Collot had the most. Jack, Miguno, and Durham were right behind them, and of course, Voss had the least.

There was no practice during the month-long break between the play and the Meteor Festival. There was always a chance that they would get invited, the Cherryton Academy was one of the most prestigious schools in the city after all.

Attendance would be a cakewalk for the Actors and Dancers. There was only one performance for them, a simple and easy gig that didn't exactly need much practice or expertise. The Art Department, on the other hand, was to craft a massive paper mache statue of a dinosaur. It was always one of the most time-consuming tasks that were feared by the entire Art Department, but it did mean that they could leave the school campus without outing permits, which definitely excited some of the students.

When Legosi arrived at the Drama Club, he kissed Juno before he sat down next to his fellow Stage Hands. It was a bit of a ritual between them. The relationship between the two wolves had finally cemented itself over the last month. The entire club had become aware of it and was accepting of it as well.

Fudge and Kibi were eagerly anticipating what Sanu would say. The pelican was the club president and was the one who coordinated events. Fudge bet a thousand yen that they'd be invited to the Meteor Festival this year. Kibi was convinced otherwise, given that their last time attending the festival didn't exactly go too well... They fell silent as Sanu walked in front to address the group.

"Like last year, we have been invited to the Meteor Festival. We, of course, plan to accept." The Art Department sighed as the rest of the group cheered. Kibi reluctantly stuck his hand in his pocket, giving a thousand yen to the happy red panda.

"Told you so, didn't I?" He teased, putting the money into his pocket. "Oh, shut up! Let's just head to the storage room." Kibi had stood up and with the other Art Department members headed towards the large storage room at the back of the building.

The storage room was cluttered and filled with countless tools and materials, all of which were caked in dust. There were large background Cutouts, many different kinds of fabrics in a multitude of colors, and most notably, the dinosaur statues of years prior.

"We obviously can't use the same statues as last year," Dom said, the peafowl rummaging through the cans and tubes of paint they had. Legosi looked up at the dinosaur. Was this what Voss felt like? The sheer size of the statue was quite intimidating. It looked as though any second it could fall over and crush everyone. Even if it was only a simple scaffold-like structure under layers of painted paper.

"What do you think, Legosi?"

"What do I think about what now?" replied the wolf, quickly turning around. Dom pointed at the paint cans sitting in a crate.

"Which colors do you think we should use? I wanted to spice it up a bit more this year with different colors. Maybe a bit more variety too."

The large canine crouched down, scanning through the rows of paint cans. "Mmmmh... how about we use some orange?" He motioned towards the red and yellow cans. "Maybe throw in some greens as well..."

The peafowl scratched under his beak. "That should work. Thanks for your input."

"Whenever you need me." Legosi stood back up, looking at the materials needed for the statue.

Beastars Rewritten Season 1 (Old Version - Rework in Progress)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon