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As we were exploring we went to stores and stuff and looked at everything. "OooO look at that!" Emerson says smiling and pointing to an old building. "It looks cool." He smiled and ran to the building. He got it phone out and took a picture. "I'm definitely going to draw this!" I laughed and then run to Emerson.

Sebastian and Andy were talking as Emerson and I were talking about random shit. I felt arms around my waist and a kiss on my cheek. "Hi Andy." He chuckles. "Hellooooo." I laughed and turned around to face him. "What?" He shook his head. I smile and he leans down to kiss me. I kiss back before we hear Emerson gagging. "Fuck off." I laugh. "Get a room." "We are outside." "So?" "Whatever." I sigh and hug Andy. He hugs me back and I rest my head against his chest.

"So what exactly are you guys? Friends or boyfriends? I mean I seen you guys kiss twice." I shrug and hold on tight to Andy. "Yeah... kiss..." I snake Andy and he chuckled. "Did you guys hvae sex!?" I pull away from Andy. "No."

They nod and look at us. "I swear, we didnt." They nod and look back at the house. "Well they had a good question... what are we? What do you want this to be." I looked at him and shrugged. "I'm not ready for another heartbreak. Until I met you I was a mess after I girlfriend." He nodded

"Well luckily for you I'm not a girl. So will you be my boyfriend?" I smile. "Of course." He smiled and kissed me. I kisses him back. He picked me up and held me there. We pull away and I smile. I lean my head on his shoulder. "Want me to hold you know?" I nod. "Please?" I nods and kisses my cheek.

A/N- I think I'm doing good on this. I'm trying to get all my ideas out now and make enough chapters so that I dont have a risk of forgetting anything. This is going to be updated throughout the day, everyday. Stay safe♡

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