sunlight || hiyori tono x f!reader

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𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫


"Heyyy, you're pretty good at swimming!"

Hiyori swiveled around in the water, heart fluttering a little at the random praise, facing the owner of the voice. It was a young girl, [h/c]-haired, eyes glimmering in the light of the day. It'd been sunny all day, but he almost felt like he could be blinded just looking at this person. "Uh, thank you!" She grinned brightly at him, arms resting on the pool dividers and making them sink slightly. "What's your name?"

"It's Hiyori Tono, n- nice to meet you..."

"I'm [Y/n] [L/n]! Same here." She energetically shook hands with him before she snapped her goggles back on and dove under the water, continuing a lap while Hiyori stared after her, slightly stunned.

"Hiyori's such a difficult name to make a nickname for! Hiyo-chan, maybe? Hmm, I'll have to think about this a little more."

[Y/n] caught him later after swimming practice and dragged him to the park, willingly, she was just so bubbly and excited about being friends he couldn't really refuse. Plus, it's not like he wanted to. He had only met that Ikuya guy so far, so... the more friendly people who also spoke Japanese the better.

"I lived in Osaka before, but we had to move because of my parent's work!"

"Oh, I lived in Iwatobi..."

[Y/n]'s face lit up, and she fell back onto the grass, spreading her arms wide and smiling idly in the warm light of the sun. "Iwatobi, huh? That's pretty nice, such a pleasant little town. Didya come here to practice swimming?" Hiyori glanced back at her, then looked back up at the wide cerulean sky, olive eyes twinkling faintly. "Nah, for my parent's work, too." A peaceful silence came over the two, but it didn't last before [Y/n] opened her mouth again. "Hey, hey, but you're interested in swimming right?"

"Sure am."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

"Oh, that's your friend, huh?"

[Y/n] was kneeling beside Ikuya's struggling body, Hiyori panicking with her, other people slowly gathering as the commotion rose up. She hadn't known Ikuya, but he'd mentioned him to her, like, once, and from his description, she noticed him as the really fast kid one day in the swimming pool. [Y/n] accompanied Hiyori to the hospital, for emotional support while Ikuya was unconscious, then left soon after. "He'll be okay!" And because he was so breathless in worry she gave him a quick, supportive hug, squeezing him a little, but being sweet nonetheless. Hiyori was somehow even more breathless than before.

Ikuya didn't want the books Hiyori was gonna lend to him while he was in the hospital. So what did he do? Give them to [Y/n], obviously. She wasn't in hospital or anything, but he was just wondering if she'd like them, so he continued his quest to lend the books. "Heyy, thanks!" The [H/c/n]-nette squeaked, looking through all of them and scrutinizing every cover for a few seconds before turning them over to read the blurb. Hiyori watched her with a small smile and gentle eyes, truly wondering how someone could be so bubbly. [Y/n] was just... so bright. Ikuya was a good friend, too, but it was like she was continuously showering him with sunlight and all the stars of the galaxy, never expecting anything back or even explaining why. She was just kind like that, and truly a brazen, yet amazing friend. Well, friend.

Hiyori didn't have much to compare Ikuya and [Y/n] to, but he felt like what he had with the [H/c]-haired girl was sort of... special. She truly cared about him, and even if she showed it through actions, she would bluntly tell him so anyway. Just because. He didn't exactly tell her he'd been lonely most of his life with his parents always busy, but he felt like she could almost tell. Hiyori didn't really feel violated by [Y/n] being secretly very perceptive and able to see right through him to the lamenting of his upbringing, mostly because if anyone should know, it'd be her. She was incredible at taking care of people.

And that showed when [Y/n] almost suffocated the boy in a hug, crying loudly and chaotically after telling him she was moving to Tokyo.

The [H/c/n]-nette's family moved around a lot for work, so she said that it was kind of expected, but she hated that it had to happen now when she was having so much fun with Hiyori in America. "Uh... It's okay! We'll probably meet again, right?" Hiyori wasn't the best at comforting people, but seeing her tear-stained cheeks and clearly upset expression, he found it in him to try his best. "Y- Yeah, I guess, but─!" Harshly wiping her face with her sleeve, [Y/n] suddenly waggled a finger in the olive-eyed boy's face. "You better not forget me, okay? I won't forgive you if you do!"

"N- No, of course I won't!" Hiyori sputtered, and thankfully, at his flustered reaction, a bright grin curved the [H/c]-haired girl's lips, fresh tears gathering in the corners of her eyes, but they were happy.

"I won't forget you either, Hiyo-chan!"

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

"Hey, hey, hey! Is that who I think it is?"

Hiyori slowly turned his head, definitely not ready for the sight waiting for him in form of a very excited [H/c/n]-nette. "No..." A huge smile spread across [Y/n]'s face before she threw herself at the familiar man, and he found, that even as adults, and her being shorter than him by quite a bit, her grip was still suffocating. "It's [Y/n] [L/n], you remember me r─" A sly look came over her face, and her eyes became half-lidded playfully. "You better not have forgotten me, Hiyo-chan. Don't you remember?"

"How could I forget?" Now comprehending the situation, he stood up from the benches, and returned the hug with a soft smile, having to lean down slightly to wrap his arms around her frame. [Y/n] was actually the flustered one for the first time in the history of their relationship, eyes widening as she had to stand on her tippy-toes to lock her arms around his neck. She was being completely enveloped in his embrace right now, and was not used to being so cocooned by someone like Hiyori, the cute, flustered boy from her childhood. "You're so warm, and tall! What the hell happened, Tono? You really grew up, huh?"

It was only halfway through their little reunion moment, which interrupted Hiyori's paying attention to the race (though he really couldn't have cared less), for him to realize how much he needed this. For [Y/n] to chaotically spring back into his life at the swimming venue was perfect timing, due to his falling-out with Ikuya.

Also, she kinda smelled like the sun, he noticed from their hug? Warm, like a summer breeze. She either has some magical perfume or is simply some sort of angel fairy, but the smell was so faint and gentle it couldn't have been perfume. Just her natural scent. [Y/n] was practically a sun-bathed cat at this point.

"D'you wanna go hang out after this? Anywhere you want, I don't mind! Or if you just wanna go home or have other plans, it's okay, too─" Hiyori placed a finger over the [H/c/n]-nette's lips, causing her to blink her big eyes in surprise. "I'd love to, [N/n]." This caused the girl to erupt into spontaneous, chaotic crying. "Oh my god, that's the nickname from when we were kids! So cute! I can't believe you, my sweet little Hiyori really grew up!"

Yep, Hiyori was fully convinced [Y/n] was just as warm and bright as the sun.

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