The beginning

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October 10th, xxxx
Dear... shinobi:

Darkness; doesn't let you understand what's infront of you.

Loneliness; doesn't let you understand the value of the persons who surround you.

Silence; doesn't let you comprehend what the world tries to comunicate to you.

In the end, it's normal to fear those things that became part of our human nature.

Of course, some might fear them more than others, but I can assure you that not knowing were are you walking to and not having anyone to ask, or a sound to follow; Would scare even the bravest... right?

I remember sitting between those three monsters. I really didn't knew where I was... I just knew that it was.

I even remember being exhausted enough to think coherently... because well, running for my life was an exhausting task.

I also remember the sun rising to illuminate my home, Konohagakure no sato. I remember the burning sensation my eyes gave me everytime I tried to opened my eyes...

Maybe I cried a little bit to much the previous night, didn't I?

But well, it's not my fault... I had a nightmare.

Actually, scratch that.

I was living a nightmare...


The moon was hiding behind the clouds, allowing the darkness take over Konoha. And within all the caos of this gosth-quiet night provided, you could spot somewhere in this little village a little boy running.

Yeah, the kid was running as fast as his little legs would allow him to. Fearing for his life, even if he actually didn't let that visible...

After him, a crazy group of people were running too. All of them with torches in their hands, as if they were "lightening the darkness of Konoha" with their fire.

You know, this was just the little chase the golden haired boy sadly was used to. The worst part, it's that he really couldn't do anything about it, since he didn't even know why the villagers were chasing him...

And talking to those crazy humans, didn't help at all, since their answers just... Well, you tell me if any of this answers make sense:

"Because you deserve to die."

"You're a monster."

"You're the demon."

"The would be here if it wasn't for you."

Yeah... this were answers that just got the child more confused and more confused.

He didn't remember doing anything bad to anyone, ever!! Well... maybe he stole one or two candy... but he didn't see the villagers chasing other kids for that!!

Really, why did these people hate him so much?!?!

He tried to say he was innocent a million of times -even, if he didn't knew what he did-, he even forgot his pride, saying that he'll be good and that he would never ever, do anything annoying again.

But the adults didn't understand, as they seemed to hate this answers, getting angrier -if that's even possible- with every plead from the broken child.

And lost in his thoughts of how life was unfair, he forgot his sittuation for a second and that's how... the little boy accidentally ran into a dead end.

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